Hey! Over

Knock knock! Someone's a little ill over here, so I don't wanna come in....

❄ Oh! No no no, it's not out of concern for getting
others sick.

I don't want the noise inside here to further make HER ill, you know? Pfft. I have priorities here, come on.

In fact, I've come to share something
quite opposite!
THIS baby oughta cure the mind and soul, huh?

I like the entire symphony, but the 1st movement's been stuck in my head all week!

That's all. Somewhat pressed on time here... speaking of
pressing, we'll be leaving now.

We have
pressing matters to get to and maybe I'll hum this tune too before bed.

I'm quite good at humming. Wanna hear?

that wasn't a hum, lol.

Come on, let's get outta here.

I'm famished!

I could go for some... rabbit ears.

I'll warm 'em up with all the humming and whatever
that was. Who cares? ¿Que imporrrrta?