What are you looking forward to?


AroAce, ASD, and Proud ^^
Oct 31, 2015
Toy Duck Plush
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Here are a few things I am looking forward to:

Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Bedfore I get into my two other things, let's clear the elephant in the room. Like most people on here, I am DYING for March 20th to get here. We have been waiting for the announcement of the 5th mainline AC game for years until it finally came. I am really excited to see the improvements it has, and the new features too! It's gonna be bigger than New Leaf, and I can tell that Nintendo has been listening to our feedback and critiques. :)

Me, my dad, and my brother moving into our own house
This past June, me, my dad, and my brother moved out of the town we had lived in for 13 years. We have been staying with my uncle (my dad's brother) these past seven months. And while it has it's perks, it can be frustrating and annoying.

I will be able to set my room the way I want (e.g. where I want my furniture, blocking out the sunlight, etc.)
I will not have to worry about my uncle blaring his living room TV (like he is right now). Sometimes he will even do it in the middle of the night.
I will not have to worry about his dog annoying me.
And so much more that will make me happy.

There is a house that my dad has his eye on, that me and my brother both like as well. He is seriously considering to buy it, provided that it is still available when it comes time to buy a house.

Getting into programs
Once we are settled into our house that we buy in the near future, I will be getting into programs. I believe it will be for people on the spectrum (including me). I am not sure what exactly it will be about, but I think it will be about socialization and responsiblity. I was supposed to get into college in January 2017 or at least August 2017 (I graduated from high school on June 3, 2016), but my parents decided that it was not best for me. These programs are.
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I’m looking forward to Animal Crossing New Horizons of course, graduating university in May, and getting back into the working world again. Also looking forward to finally moving out and reaching my dream career next year. :)
i dont like to look forward to things because i feel like it lives life short, but i GUESS finish residency and move in with my boyfriend and both of us have stable income
Getting rich and famous so I can buy my parents farmland.

Lol, I know that's far-fetched, but one things is certain- I can't wait to start making money off the website I write for so I can help out with stuff. :D All I have to do is get my partnership set up and I'll be good to go.
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The most short-term thing I'm looking forward to is reading week (which is mid-Feb) so I can not be in school and instead I can sleep in and see some people :p after that I'm looking forward to the end of April, when I will take my final round of exams and then be done my bachelor's degree! Then I can focus all my time on my jobs :)
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- getting my credits :p
- next school semester. i have gym class with a good buddy of mine!
- the week-long break im gonna get after tomorrow! guess who's done all her exams! :D
- next month! (private stuff, not gonna elaborate :cool:)
I'm looking forward to getting my neon pink hair back! Will take a while tho..
also looking forwards for Animal Crossing New Horizons <3
And I can't wait to be spring, so I can start working in the garden again!
I don't have school on March 20th for some reason, but I looked on the calendar and it said that there was no school. So I can play New Horizons for the whole day!!
I'm looking forward to Animal Crossing: New Horizons finally coming out in a couple months. The past few weeks I tried playing Pok?mon again, but it's been just burning me out big time. So I'm currently taking a break from games again and will be starting anew with New Horizons. Don't get me wrong, I still love Pok?mon to a point, but I'm just more into Animal Crossing these days, so I'm definitely looking forward to just playing that for now on. ^-^
New Horizons.

I've gone too long without a game.

Edit. And John Wick 4!
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Although high school, especially in ib, is really hard and demanding, I look forward to going to school everyday to chill with my friends, talk to people, and having new opportunities.
  • Spending a weekend in February with my partner and his family. Unfortunately we have obligations in different cities right now so we only get to see each other for a weekend every (other) month.
  • Going to Turkey with my friend for a week in August. It'll be my first time travelling outside of Europe!
  • Moving house. Not got a set date for this yet. Depends how quickly I can find employment after my current contract ends.
  • Getting a sphynx kitten/cat. I keep looking at listings and wish I was able to buy/adopt now - but I need move house first.

Hopefully passing all my literature classes and June when the whole course ends. As much interesting it has been it's been very exhausting especially with a job to handle as well so yeah, can't wait to just go home and do what I want again.
I have a trip to Portugal coming up that im very excited for, and of course new horizons. but in general im looking forward to springtime and more sunlight... going to work in dark mornings and coming home in dark nights is kind of getting me down