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What are you proud of?


Sofia hopes you have a good day!
Nov 19, 2022
Throwback Tickets
Red Rose
Tasty Cake
Red Rose
I know there is a similar thread to this but I don't want this to be just what you created. What accomplishments are you proud of? Maybe grades or being promoted? Could also be an art thing too! I'd love to see pictures, videos, audio files etc. I'd even love to see people highlight what they're proud of in others! :3
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I'm proud of my growth over the years to be honest. I used to panic over a lot of small things and now I'm a lot calmer.

My writing has gotten better over the years and so has my musician skills. 🎻 One day when I get the chance I would like to post a recording of me playing. 🎶

Picture of something I wrote back in 6th grade! A while back but I think it was pretty good for a 6th grader. (See, look I got 10 extra points and a positive note from the teacher! XD)

(Some stuff- the corner folded for example- edited out for privacy)


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i got a 96 in the math class i took last semester! it’s the highest grade i’ve ever gotten in math, and one of my highest grades overall. i’m honestly way too hard on myself and always think that i’m going to fail, but i worked really hard last semester and am happy that it paid off! this is hopefully my last year of school, so i’m trying to put my all into it. :’)

i’m proud of how i’m doing this semester so far as well! i’m staying on top of assignments, trying to attend regularly and actually pay attention in class, participating in discussions and group work etc. i’m gonna be so burnt out by june lol, but i’m hoping it’ll be worth it!

i’m also proud of how much stuff i’ve been doing lately that i’d been putting off for so long, such as going to the dentist/doctor. it hasn’t been fun lol, but i’m proud of myself for doing it! 👍🏻
I had to think about this for awhile, but I think I'm most proud of how much I've changed over the years.

Back in elementary school I used to throw temper tantrums because I had Aspergers, but it wasn't diagnosed yet. I did get diagnosed around the age of 10, and it kind of changed my world. In middle school I got excluded every day at lunch without fail (I've mentioned this before). It got to the point where I thought something was wrong with me.

Everything changed, including myself, when I switched to private school for all four years of high school. I became more social, developed a sense of humor, and actually had friends for once. Before then I was almost always serious, but once that happened I loosened up a bunch.

I then went on to university and managed to graduate, and then I even managed to find a job I love, which I'm still doing.

I still struggle with confidence sometimes, but I've gotten a lot better about it. I think the main lesson I've learned in life is that if you really want to become a better person, if you put your mind and all your efforts into it, you really can. Just like Midoriya was quirkless and without a power in My Hero Academia at first, but then proved himself worthy of having the #1 quirk, I too changed myself to the point where my Aspergers doesn't really affect me anymore.

You may feel stuck, even hopeless at times because of your own limits, and it may cause you to feel depressed at times, but just remember you choose when you give up. There is no such thing as predetermined destiny or fate in this world. The actions and things we do and say every day are what create our future, and all of those things are choices. Attitude is latitude (my mom's old saying).

"When you feel yourself hitting up against your limits, remember for what cause you clench your fists. Focus on that memory and let it carry you beyond your limit. Go beyond. Plus ultra."
I got some of my term 2 marks back and I passed most of them! 70 in math, 83 in English, 85 in drama, and 95 in cooking!! The only class that I failed was science (with a 57, you need 60+ to pass) and I'm still waiting on some of my other marks, but overall I think I did pretty good! ^^

I've definitely grown over the past years in my life. Sure, I still have trouble with my anger issues, but I've gotten better at controlling it compared to when I was a kid. I think I've matured a bit more from when I first became a teenager, too. I've also learned to be more proud and accepting when it comes to my skills in writing and drawing, I've gotten a lot better in less than a year! :D
I'm not exactly keen on sharing anything I wrote, but I made this drawing of my second-favorite Wii Sports CPU Mii (Sakura), and I love how it turned out! 🌸
I’m proud of myself in general. I can’t even explain. I have had about 17 jobs total in my eight years of working. I had no idea why I couldn’t keep a job, but it seems to be a common problem for those with BPD. I’m very surprised that I stayed with my current job this long. This is the second longest job I’ve had, after Walmart, where I worked for over three years.

It feels like I’ve been able to better manage my stress and anxiety, which has caused me to quit/walk out of jobs the minute one thing upsets me. I usually just go into jobs thinking they won’t last very long, so this took me by surprise that I’m going on almost two years at this one. I’m very happy to have insight about why I am the way I am sometimes.

I’m content with where I’m at right now. I developed a bit of a reputation here on the forums over the last year or so, and I’m unsure if it’s the kind of reputation I want, but I’m still redeeming myself. I think part of it has to do with my BPD and an unstable self image. I wish I could erase the drama over the past year because the negative thoughts still linger, but I am thankful for those that have seen past it and think of me as “not a bad person.” To put it simply, I’m proud to still be active on the forums and to be accepted by the members here that do accept me.

Edit: Fixing some typos.
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I think I'm pretty cool, I live a very active life. I'm better at riding my Four-Wheeler than anyone I know (my age, my dad is far better than me,) I live in a SUPER rural area like a literal forest, I know a lot about computers too so there's a good balance. And I'm pretty smart. In my opinion.
I'm proud of playing both oboe and bassoon, and I'm also proud of adding tenor saxophone to that list recently. Back in high school (well over a decade ago), I had determined these three as my top three favorite instruments and I dreamed of playing all of them. Finally I achieved that!
I am pretty proud of my writing. In the writing events I've entered here on TBT, my entries have always made it to final voting or staff favorites, which makes me feel incredibly proud. During one of the TBT fairs, my haiku about dreams even won first place!

I'll post just a few of my favorite poems I've written here, starting with my first place haiku.

Dusk falls on the trees,
Dripping blue and purple leaves,
Painting fragile dreams.

From a tiny seed,
Sprouts the tallest redwood tree,
Grows to heights esteemed

Lush forest of trees,
Light dappled through verdant leaves,
So calm and serene

Surrounded by trees,
Carried on a moonlit breeze,
A lonely frog croaks
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Im really proud of my grades! I have shared many times but almost all my life I have had straight A's. I have only had a B average on a SINGLE class in my whole history which was an 89% in Science. It sounds dumb but I like cried about that for the whole summer last year because I did so much extra credit to try and get it a 90 but I couldnt..... I try really hard in school so I am proud of that!
I have a 100% Living Dex in my Pokemon Yellow and Crystal, and I'm getting close to having one in Emerald and Leaf Green! I have my 1st and 2nd Gen Dexes on the physical, authentic cartridge, and I jailbroke my 3DS to make a back-up copy in the Virtual Console. So I'll always have it, and I was able to migrate everyone to Pokemon Home while still keeping them cozy on my original files that I can play on my Gameboy Color.

I'm planning to do this with at least one game from each generation. I'll be doing it in Platinum, HeartGold, White 2, X, Ultra Sun, Sword, and Scarlet.
I’m proud of my talents and my accomplishments because of them. This year I made third chair in the all-region choir! I’ve taken my singing seriously since fourth grade, and I love seeing the hard work pay off. I also auditioned for our school’s Willy Wonka musical and got the role of Violet! I’ve wanted to be in a musical forever, so this was a dream come true. And most of all, I’m proud of my writing. I had decided that if I wasn’t good enough to act in any movies or musicals, I’d be the one writing them. I started taking my writing seriously in 2020, and it has improved a lot in the three years since then.

I’m also proud of myself for not giving up, even though things are hard right now. I’m still here, and that’s huge.
im proud of my digital art, i have worked very hard over the past 4 years on improving my art work and i feel like i get better each drawing. im not always happy with my art but i know that if 13 year old me saw my work now she would be proud
hmmm... i'm proud of the work i do! i'm coming up on my one year anniversary at work and i still really love my job. feels good! :)
so i rly wanna be an author, and i self-published my first book last year (but im not super proud of it bc i kinda sucked at writing back then so...) but anyway, im writing another book, this time a bit longer, about novelette length (i cant write that much lol) and i am super proud of it. it is almost 20,000 words (so about 60 pages) and i am soooo excited to publish it and all my friends say it's really good so i am rly proud of that :)

edit: link to my first book: https://www.amazon.com/lost-city-Atlanta-Elisa-Pasotti/dp/B09YSKVFYB
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