What are your 2022 resolutions? Did you keep your 2021 resolutions?


Chasing Luna MothWings
Mar 3, 2018
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Plum Blossom
Fortune Cookie
Night Sky Scenery
Snowstorm Scenery
Playful Scenery
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Friday the 13th Candy
I didn't find a thread for the new coming year about this, unless it got buried. If there is one already I apologize.

Anyway, just as the title says. What are your resolutions, goals or hopes for the year 2022? Were you able to do your 2021 resolutions for a long or short time? Stuff like that.

I try to keep my resolutions 'loose', broad, not so strict, and not get upset if I don't follow throu them all year long. Cause knowing me the best I'll do is keep them up for one month before dropping them and making them next years problem resolution.

For 2022, now that I have a job I'm planning in staying at, unlike last year, I think this year will be the year of skill improvement and productivness. Not job-wise, but self-wise. Since my job is steady and consistent, I can plan more things in a timely manner.

I want to get better at drawing and artsy fartsy stuff, both digital and the many forms of traditional. As for productivness, I just want to be more adamant on doings things when I want or need to do them. I struggle with this alot, and it's things that aren't exactly procrastination-get-done-in-crunch-time. It's things I should be doing on a schedule, but don't. So I want to get better at actually doing it.
I don't usually make new year's resolutions because I try to make changes as I see the need for them throughout the year. So I don't think I really had any 2021 resolutions or if so they were very generic. But several things have happened right here at the end of 2021 that have made me resolve to make changes now for the new year.

1. Not be on call for everybody all the time. Just this week I started muting my phone and it's been the best decision. I couldn't enjoy anything anymore because even if somebody wasn't calling me to interrupt, I was constantly on edge and the background music of a show or video game could trigger my anxiety if they sounded similar to my ringtone. So effective immediately, I will only be checking my phone when I am in between doing things, so that everybody else's problems are not constantly intruding on my personal time.

2. I will make a bigger effort to advocate for myself and not treat every problem that everyone else has as if it's a crisis. My counselor has been pushing the question: "What's the worst that could happen?" I need to start asking that every time someone calls me in a panic and react accordingly. Most of what they and I were considering emergencies, really aren't.

3. I will consider anxiety medication. My counselor floated the idea before Christmas and I didn't think I would need it. I thought the holidays were just a rough patch and if I could make it through, I'd be okay. But it wasn't just the holidays that caused me stress and issues these past two weeks and I don't think it's going to get better anytime soon, so if anxiety meds can help me deal with things in a healthier way, then I'll try them.

That's basically it for the moment, but those are some really big steps for me so hopefully I'm able to follow through on them for the long term.
I don’t like the idea of a New Year’s resolution. I try to have goals and focus on them all year, rather than making generic goals and forgetting about them after a week. My current goal is to find an apartment, preferably outside of my birth state. I plan on sending my whole tax return to my savings and going from there. I think my tax return will be big because I’ve had several tax withholds throughout the year.

I am very happy with one thing I did this year, though. I have mentioned it in a few posts, but I’m not very vocal about it otherwise. I finally got my bad teeth extracted and have an implant. It’s been about seven months, and things are going great. I am more confident and I’m not covering my mouth whenever I speak. It’s something I’ve been self-conscious about in the past and it feels nice to not worry about it now.

Another goal of mine is to not let others dictate what I do. There are some things I’d like to do, but people always throw in their two cents that “you shouldn’t do that,” “it won’t work” or “do this instead.” I really want to not listen to that this year, or at least not have it phase me.

I hope everyone has a happy new year!
I don't make resolutions. Maybe because I never really heard about them until I was older. It was just something that didn't come up in our household growing up.
I do have the general goal of growing as a better person every day though. So, there's that.
the only resolution I had last year was to lose weight, and I can happily say I followed through and lost about 40 lbs! I'm still not quite at my target weight but im hoping to get there soon :)

I don't really have any resolutions for this year, might try to actually save up some money. last year was tough for me but it also resulted in some amazing connections and opportunities so I'm really looking forward to where that takes me this year!
My resolution last year was to drink more water because some days I would drink literally 0 oz of water. I did okay, but I wasn’t consistent, so that’s one of my resolutions again this year. I also want to re-learn how to play the piano because I haven’t played since I was a kid and I bought a piano last year and never played it once.
I don't believe in making New Year's resolutions as I believe if you want to make changes in your life you should start there and then rather than wait for a specific time of year to start making those changes.
2021 was awful for me, so I’m more than ready to make some changes. These are less resolutions, but rather vague goals I want to achieve soon. If I make at least some progress on them I’ll be content.

1. Lose some weight. The medication I’ve been taking has weight gain as a side effect. I’m not terribly overweight, but I could lose a few pounds. It would make me feel better about my appearance and keep me healthy. To pull this off, I’ll eat out less and try to workout at least three times a week.

2. Improve my study habits. I went to a weird college prep school that never really encouraged us to study. As a result, my first semester of college was very stressful. I hope to pick up some of these skills with a tutor.

3. Take steps to move on from my past. I am constantly haunted by traumatic events and petty comments people made about me. Whenever I think I’ve moved on from something another thing pops up. I don’t really know how to do that, but I hope to learn something from my therapist.
My new year resolutions:

1. To help out more
2. Stop biting my nails
3. Lose weight
4. Drink more water
-exercise more and lose all this weight
-save up money to dream of buying a house with one day
-draw more often
-learn to cook fancier dishes
other than that im doing pretty okay. these arent really exclusive new years resolutions, but they kind of rolled over i guess lol
Some of my resolutions last year were to finally finish redecorating/revamping my bedroom, build a wardrobe I'm happy with, and to start university. I accomplished them all in 2021!

Honestly pretty happy with how last year panned out, it started horrible but ended on a more hopeful note. I'm happy with my weight now that I'm not unhealthily underweight anymore, I'm slowly getting there with my fashion, and my bedroom is how I want it to be.

2022 Resolutions:
1. Read all of my unread books + add to my bookshelf
2. Hang out with my friends more often
3. Maintain my current weight
4. Continue to try hard at uni
5. Save up to eventually get my own place
This year, I'd like to start taking art commissions, and make some more progress on my gaming and reading backlogs! Most importantly, though, I'd like to keep getting better at taking care of my mental health—it's easy for me to overwhelm myself, and I want to avoid overdoing it and risking burnout.
I want to hit my reading goal this year, last year I was one book short 😞 my problem being that I keep picking up boring books and then needing to abandon them. I want to give myself a little more freedom in letting myself read just for fun, not every book needs to be educational or self improvement based.

Aside from that I really just want to work on the things I have already been working on. I want to dedicate a lot of time for self-reflection and figuring out what I want. This includes prioritizing journalling more, although this is very difficult when I have no privacy for journalling. Also why I am possibly looking at moving this year.
I want to be more myself. Sometimes I feel sad like I am not truly doing things for myself. I want to do what makes me happy and also make more friends!!! Friends are amazing! :) I also want to stop buying so many keychains because now I have the Splatoon X Sanrio ones with the characters holding weapons, all the jumprope for heart ones from a while ago, a toad plushy one, and A TON OF RANDOM ones and I think I should stop myself from buying the sanrio plushy burgers or the sanrio icecream ones that are on kidrobot.com (Basically better year for ME, More Friends, and spend less money on things that I do not matter until I can save up for things that matter and then buy the keychains 🤣)
I'd really like to focus more on self care this year. Take time off when I need it, take time to emotionally decompress when things feel overwhelming, and meditate at least once a week. I'd also like to get officially certified as a fitness trainer.

My 2021 resolution was to work out for a minimum of 60 minutes every day for a full year. Mission accomplished. 💪
My resolution was to lose weight, but I started that the summer earlier. So far I lost 59 kilos, but I plateaued this summer and kinda fell off. I didn't gain back any weight, but it felt bad that my effort nor my lack of it made no difference at that point. Ideally I'd have to lose 25 kilos more, but I don't mind being a little thicc. I just don't want to be fat anymore, but the last kilos just don't wanna go. So I'm trying to get much more serious about it in 2022. Technically I'm starting on Monday though, but my goal is it to eat no more than 1500 calories every single day without exception. Part of it is me fighting my anxiety and saying no in social eating situations. In addition to this I'll also continue exercising regularly. I'v been swimming weekly for a couple of months now, but I want to join another group to do more sport with.

Another goal I had for 2021 was to read 12 books, but I literally just read one and started another. I moved into dorms this summer and I'm just not comfortable reading there idk. I have enough unread books, but I prefer to read outside in peace tbh. I should have reached that goal last summer.

A new goal I have for 2022 is to watch a 100 movies. Over the pandemic I started to get into anime and basically watched everything good on Netflix. Before that I exclusively watched live action series with the occasional exception of adult cartoons (and kid ones as a kid or with a kid nowadays). But yeah, I've never been a movie person. I watched a bunch of anime movies in my anime-catch-up-phase, but the last movie I watched was The Maze Runner. The first one. I want to watch a 100 movies just to get more cultured in a pop culture kinda way. And to get more out of Netflix. This is partially motivated due to the release of Scream 5, probably the only movie series I watched outside of Twilight and Scary Movie (kinda funny to watch that one before huh). Maybe wanna see that one in theaters, but I don't think I can accomplish that with my anxiety. The last time I was in theaters was for The Maze Runner with my class and before that it was for High School Musical 3 with friends. I'd like to ask someone to go with me as I have no real friends due to my anxiety and meeting for a movie could be a good starting point to help with conversation and such, but it is the 5th movie of a horror franchise that kinda builds on characters. Tough sell when you're uncharasmatic.

Speaking of which, I definitely want to work on my social issues based on my anxiety. Thing is, I don't have social anxiety. I enjoy talking to people and can keep up conversations. I just have crippling anxiety about everything else. Phone calls are alright, but text messages make me wanna die. I also have depression, but it has been downgraded to seasonal affective disorder apparently but tbh I felt pretty bad today but tbf I didn't try seeing sunlight today. Just a mess of a life I'm trying to fix tbh.

But yeah, that's my life story I guess. Another thing I thought about recently is being capable of posting a picture of me online, like in that other thread here. I hate myself and feel ugly, but maybe losing more weight and miraculously gaining makeup skills can change that. I'd love to one day not hate pictures of myself. And just me in general. I'm lonely lol
  • To eat healthier, exercise, and hopefully lose some weight
  • To take better care of my teeth
  • To drink more water
  • To stay on top of household chores
  • To consistently practice my ukulele
I dont think I even made any resolutions last year if I did then I forgot. This year I am trying to get organized and I want to write one page a day on my book story thing. Those seem like reasonable goals. I also want to lose weight like everyone else, but wont try too hard and that will try to eat less. A major issue with my wieghtloss is major tirdness all the time and I eat to cope with that so rip.