What are your 2022 resolutions? Did you keep your 2021 resolutions?

I don't wait until New Years to make resolutions, but here are my goals right now:
  • Read a book every month
  • Meditate and practice mindfulness daily
  • Save another $5,000 this year
  • Catch up on the stockpile of diamond paintings I bought last year lol
  • Draw at least 2 things a month (I do digital landscape painting!)
  • Edit the book I wrote for NaNoWriMo in 2012 for its 10 year anniversary (will be done in November)
  • Play Ace Attorney 2 and 3 (been a while since I finished the first one)
  • Finish the postgame content in Miitopia
  • Beat Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and breed at least 1 shiny and 1 competitive-level Pokémon just to prove that I can
  • And finally... level my ACNH island! I really like my island, but having my island be done is kind of boring; I miss the act of creation and being in the process of something. It's gonna be one hell of a commitment though so I haven't started demolition yet, lol
I'm not making resolutions anymore other than to take care of myself, whatever that entails.
I like to keep my resolutions pretty loose, for the same reasons as most people - to not get demotivated if something doesn't go as planned. My resolution for this year is to try to focus on myself and myself only. I feel like I've been focusing on what other people think of me too much, I want to break out of this!!
Wishing everyone good luck on their resolutions! We can do this 💪
You all have some good goals to aim towards! I don't think I ever really make New Years resolutions. I usually try to do something as soon as I can. But maybe a few different things like pursuing my career, writing more, practicing art, eating healthy/exercising more.

One thing I want to do that I can't do until summer is grow even more vegetables/fruit and then sell them. It'd be cool to have a market stand and earn a little bit of cash to pay for next years harvest. I made $20 last year doing that and I started so late. So it'd be awesome to keep that up and then finally get enough traction to be like a pit-stop many become familiar with. That would be really cool.

People always commented that my produce always tasted so good. I don't get it, as I don't think I do anything out of the ordinary.
I stopped making resolutions a long time ago, loooool. Making a resolution to me is the same as saying you’re worried about the future. I’m not worried about the past or the future. Only the present.
I don't think I made any new years resolutions last year, neither this year. I never actually carried them out, so yeah..
As always, I want to be more healthy, but unhealthy stuff is just tasting too good.. 🥺
To reevaluate my lifestyle and put more emphasis on self-care. My partner describes my lifestyle as having 12 full-time jobs, and it's true to some extent. It's a bad habit I fell into during lockdown. Working from home made me feel like I needed to be constantly busy to be productive and I probably took on more than I should have (although I do credit it for keeping me sane during that time). My professional life and responsibilities have ramped up considerably in the past few months but I've recently realised I need to start setting boundaries - e.g. no more responding to work messages that come in at 11 o'clock at night or 4 o'clock in the morning so that next time they need me at an absurd hour they aren't expecting a reply. I also need to pull back from a number of my voluntary roles in order to find some downtime. I'll be submitting my resignation to a number of sites and organisations I work with in the coming weeks.

Picking my skin care, hair care, and fitness routines back up are something I really want to focus on. I hit a point late in 2021 where I was that busy I just didn't care about keeping up with my image anymore and while no one has criticised me for it I can already see the difference and I don't like it.
my generic aim is just to make habits in my life for the better (e.g. regularly drinking 2 bottles of water, working out more just because i want to, get better at meal prepping etc). i also want to try and more consistently practice my german because after making the switch from school to uni i'm not practicing since i no longer have lessons, and it seems a shame to waste 5 years of learning. i've started leaning away from specific goals a little and making my goals more broad, but i do set actionable steps in to make sure it's not an overwhelming resolution of just do *something*
Resolutions are so dumb to me. If you want to do something, you don't need to wait for a digit on the calendar year to change.
No "resolutions" per say. Just continuous daily milestones I'm hoping to keep meeting.

I'm going to keep exercising and stretching as much as I can and work on keeping my posture good and my back and neck out of pain.
I enjoy making New Year's resolutions. Obviously, if there's something you want to do, you can start at any time (as many people in this thread have so helpfully pointed out 😜). The New Year is the perfect time for me to start, as it's after all of the holiday hedonism, when I'm returning to work/study and need something new to motivate me through the harsh winter.

My resolutions for this year are simple:
  • 📚 read 24 books. (I read 12 books last year, but very inconsistently. Think 3 books in a month, then 3 months with no reading whatsoever. I want to be consistent this year.)
  • 📖 write in my journal every day. (I was the same as above for journaling. Even if it's a single sentence, I'd like to look back in X years and be able to peek into what was going on in my brain on any given day.)
  • 🧶 take up knitting! (I really want to start a creative, constructive hobby. Preferably one I can do while listening to podcasts. AND MAKE SOCKS.)
I have more generic goals that I've been working on for a while now, which I'd like to continue.
  • 🏋🏽‍♂️ work out 5x a week. (I've been hitting the gym more consistently since October, but I'd like to stop making excuses with myself. I just have to show up each day.)
  • 🍎 cook + eat healthy. (I've been cooking the majority of my meals now, which I am very proud of.)
  • 📑 finish my applications. (Hopefully by the end of January).
  • 📺 spend less time passively... watching... things. (I don't want to always have a show/podcast/movie in the background. I want to spend less time scrolling on my phone. Even if it means just sitting there. I don't need to be entertained 24/7 and I want to train my mind to be able to sit with my own thoughts.)
  • 💌 be a good friend. (I want to call people back, remember birthdays, initiate conversations, enjoy hangouts, and just... not be a depressed blob to my lovely friends. I'm getting better, slowly.)
My new planner is coming today, which I'm really excited about (don't @ me, I'm a stationery nerd).

Thanks to everyone who shared their resolutions, and best of luck to everyone this year! We got this! ✨
i’ve never really been one for resolutions as i find that i rarely follow through with them, but i did have one resolution last year — to start a “what good things happened to you today?” journal and write in it every day.

i’m a pretty pessimistic person that tends to only focus on the negative parts of any given day, so to try and change that, i decided to start jotting down the good things that happened to me each day last year, no matter how small those things were, to show myself that even the worst days usually had one good thing about them... and they did. i never missed a day, and each day saw at least one good thing happen. :)

as for this year, i’ve decided to try and work on more than just one resolution, but i’ve kept them pretty small to try and avoid giving up or getting discouraged.

continue with my “what good things happened to you today?” journal.
take better care of my teeth. (my dental health is in shambles right now, but while it’s gonna take years to repair the damage i’ve done, i can start trying to prevent this from ever happening again now).
practice better hygiene in general.
get my hair shaved off. (a depressive episode that lasted months left me unable to brush my hair, so it’s all matted and destroyed now. it can’t be brushed out, so the only option is the shave — i’ve just been too depressed/embarrassed to get it done).
start doing my makeup again.
graduate from school.
begin receiving therapy again. (i’m currently on a waitlist, but if the estimated wait time is accurate, i should hopefully be back in therapy sometime this summer).