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What are your character(s) names? :)

redacted is my main one.

Todd is my pattern-holder. Despite being a pattern holder, I'm unlocking everything for him: All the Cafe stuff, an 8x8 house with a full theme, the mannequins, silver tools, and female haircuts, and as much cataloged stuff as possible.
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Mayor Alex because its amongst one of my favourite names.
Path holders are Link and Majora because they tie into my town name, Termina...aaand because I couldn't think of anything else.
Fang is my mayor. I also have three other characters named Pattern, Pattern1, and Pattern2... And there goes my creativity, right down the drain. I couldn't think of anything better than the word pattern with a number at the end.
Pickles is my main character. Why, I don't know. It's the name I chose for previous AC games and I like it :D My other characters are Bates (Downton Abbey) and Lizzie (Pride and Prejudice). :)
Mayor Majora of the town of Termina. HAHAHA. I'm awesome.
My Mayor character's name is Nyanako, which is also my username, and came from randomly thinking of a name to use for an Otome game (though it also had the last name of "Meowani" when I used it while playing an Otome.) I also have a turnip-holder character named Wanttan, and, the reasoning is a bit difficult to explain, but I'll try; it was based off of "Nyanako Meowani", in which the first name is Japanese animal sound + Japanese name, and the last name is English animal sound + stereotypical last name ending (the full name of that character second character is "Wanttan Barkovich".)
My name in Animal Crossing is Roy! that is not my real name. :p
The two reasons I chose the name Roy was:
1) Pokemon Black: I was also Roy (just realized that ^^;;)
2) Roy rhymes with Boy

I might as well make a girl, and call her Pearl. :p

My sister's name in the game is Milla. I don't know why she named her that, I'll just make a guess. The only Milla I can think of is Milla Maxwell. I'll ask her eventually. :p
Mayor Yvaine and second storage guy is Tristran. From the book (and later film) Stardust.
Town is Starlake though as Stardust didn't feel towny enough for me, plus Starlake came up in a name generator before I had picked character names!
My main character is Mayor Alexa, thats my name btw

My two other friendly companions are Chelsey (My sisters file) which is my sisters best friend and Piggy which I use for paths and other trades {You can guess why I called it that, since my obsession with Gala the pig isn't enough
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My mayor's name is Hina, which has practically been my 2nd name for over 4 years now.
My other char is caleld Lynne, which I found due to the Vocaloid song "Lynne". I started to really like this as a name when I found out it's originated from "lake" or "waterfall".
Well I named my other characters "Mall", "Hotel" and "School" because that's what their houses will be!
I'm just Mayor Suzy because that's my name. LoL.

Side question: I only have my one character, but what, specifically, are the benefits of having more than one of my own characters living in my town? Or do they each live in their own towns?