Pokémon What are your favorite nicknames you've given pokemon?


Happy vibes ✌️🌈🎈🧸
Oct 25, 2018
Cherry (Fruit)
Red Lily
White Lily
Yellow Lily
Matryoshka Doll
Black Hybrid Rose
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
I love to nickname my pokemon and give really silly names and they make me happy! I wanna hear more pokemon nicknames so let's hear them! Whether they be carefully thought out or silly! Here's some of mine:

  • A nickit and shiny nickit named Dust Bunny and Lint Trap respectfully
  • Little Sir the orbeetle
  • Goldfish the vaporeon
  • Frito the pink jellicent
  • Zappa the mawile (yes that is a guilty gear reference)
  • Kasane Teto the excadrill
  • Claire's the gothitelle
  • and of course Honey Butter the shiny galarian meowth
I tend just to use hockey players names when I'm nicknaming Pokemon, but some of my favorite non-hockey nicknames that I've used are:
  • Conkeldurr - Beefy Lad
  • Archeops - Kilzpteryx
  • Coalossal - Ol King Coal
I love to nickname my pokemon and give really silly names and they make me happy! I wanna hear more pokemon nicknames so let's hear them! Whether they be carefully thought out or silly! Here's some of mine:

  • A nickit and shiny nickit named Dust Bunny and Lint Trap respectfully
  • Little Sir the orbeetle
  • Goldfish the vaporeon
  • Frito the pink jellicent
  • Zappa the mawile (yes that is a guilty gear reference)
  • Kasane Teto the excadrill
  • Claire's the gothitelle
  • and of course Honey Butter the shiny galarian meowth

I love Honey Butter. That is so cute 🥺. I haven’t played Pokemon in years but the last one I checked awhile back for a screenshot or something, I named one of my bird pokemon Sakic after a hockey player that I liked and I may have named some after anime characters. I am so terrible at coming up with original names 😅
I love coming up with stupid nicknames for my Pokemon lol

here are some from my individual games that I'm particularly fond of
(warning:there's a lot lmao)

Pinch the Anorith
Bacon Strip the Salamence

Omega Ruby:
Jeffery the Scolipede (ik I misspelled it lol)
Kelpo the Dragalge
Bobby Hill the Butterfree (based on "Poke King of the Mon Hill)
Fairy Boi the Sylveon
P-Pinku?! the shiny Sharpedo
Purps McGee the shiny Wurmple
Scoops the Glaceon (named after my friend)
ChasnFemalez the Skitty (a male Cute Charm user to attract female shiny pokes)
Lil Nugget the Eevee
Duran Duran the Houndoom (I have no idea)
Egg McMuffin the Espeon
Mortimer the Haxorus

Ultra Moon:
Mr. Sprinks the Golisopod
SchmootzGirl the Salazzle
Gadzooks! the Vikavolt

edit: almost forgot my current Emerald team! a set of legends they are.
Chaka Khan the Blaziken
Eddie the Crobat
Big Kahuna the Lombre (he's hard to evolve)
Dumb ***** the Linoone (he's a legend)
Tracey the Kirlia
and of course the absolute god that is:
Jet Jaguar the Manectric, I love her dearly
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I named my cofagrigus Mr. Squiggly.

I love coming up with stupid nicknames for my Pokemon lol

here are some from my individual games that I'm particularly fond of
(warning:there's a lot lmao)

Pinch the Anorith
Bacon Strip the Salamence

Omega Ruby:
Jeffery the Scolipede (ik I misspelled it lol)
Kelpo the Dragalge
Bobby Hill the Butterfree (based on "Poke King of the Mon Hill)
Fairy Boi the Sylveon
P-Pinku?! the shiny Sharpedo
Purps McGee the shiny Wurmple
Scoops the Glaceon (named after my friend)
ChasnFemalez the Skitty (a male Cute Charm user to attract female shiny pokes)
Lil Nugget the Eevee
Duran Duran the Houndoom (I have no idea)
Egg McMuffin the Espeon
Mortimer the Haxorus

Ultra Moon:
Mr. Sprinks the Golisopod
SchmootzGirl the Salazzle
Gadzooks! the Vikavolt

edit: almost forgot my current Emerald team! a set of legends they are.
Chaka Khan the Blaziken
Eddie the Crobat
Big Kahuna the Lombre (he's hard to evolve)
Dumb ***** the Linoone (he's a legend)
Tracey the Kirlia
and of course the absolute god that is:
Jet Jaguar the Manectric, I love her dearly

n64 i love you omg! BACON STRIP!!! i have so many pokemon named after food you wouldn't believe! especially my alcremies...
ok i'm sharing more just becus ya'll made me so happy with yours! i didn't wanna make too big of a post originally, but now I WILL!!! >:3c only got swsh pokes currently, need to restart my other games.

  • Kitty the vikavolt
  • Goomba the falinks (my stronk babies)
  • Badtz-Maru the pincurchin
  • Trailmix the greedent
  • Gummy Bear the ditto (if i can get a shiny i will name them Jelly Bean)
  • All of my eeveelutions (Swiss Roll espeon, Ramen flareon, Honey Bun sylveon, Fruit Gummy eevee, Cosmic jolteon, Moon Pie umbreon, Zebra Cake glaceon, Cheeze-Itz leafeon) they are all named after snacks and yes leafeon's is based on that cheese snacks comic
  • Apple Cider the raboot (idc for cinderace so he never evolved)
  • Frosty Freez the eiscue (supposed to be Frosty Freezie cus i love fanboy and chum chum)
  • Juice Box and Disco my toctricitys
  • My other jellicent is named Cheeto :3
  • the oh so smartly named aegislash, Stab
  • Dirt Block the tyranitar (mincraf)
  • Geronimo the drifblim
  • Metallica the gigantamax corviknight
  • Nacho the obstagoon
  • Dilly Dally the vanilluxe
  • Pillow Pet the whimsicott
  • Gameboy the beheeyem
  • Chug the galvantula
  • No Think the cramorant
  • Karamatsu the sirfetch'd (don't look at me😖)
  • Vampyre the gigantamax gengar (based on the song lesbian vampyres from outerspace) and her sister Boba

i...most of my ideas come from food or memes orz
Zappa the mawile is 👌 perfect. Haha

I usually don't name my pokémon, but for Let's Go, my hubs named his eevee Soti, and I named my pikachu Crispy, both after each other. c:
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I don’t actually nickname Pokémon. I let them have their original names. I always found it weird when people gave them names. I didn’t think it was common.
I like themes for my Pokémon

Emerald had Animal Crossing characters
  • Shrunk the Marshtomp
  • Nook the Linoone
  • Kapp'n the Lombre
  • Caroline the Aron
  • Static the Electrike
  • Saharah the Numel
  • Raddle the Gulpin
  • Snake the Nincada
  • Nat the Trapinch
Black had monarchs
  • Louis the Serperior
  • James the Stoutland
  • Bjorn the Excadrill
  • Vlad the shiny Garchomp
  • Max the Escavalier
  • Max Thrax the Timburr
  • Bela the Panpour
  • Khufu the Archeops
Blue had their Dezaking names. Dezaking is a language I'm creating, and I am giving some Pokémon names.
  • Gengvaal/Iselkav/Imavanda the Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur
  • Jixudu/Koovudu the Slowpoke/Slowbro
  • Wehuga/Gety the Magnemite/Magneton
  • Imami/Evagoo the Eevee/Flareon
  • Sleaas/Slise/Slime the Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot
  • Zinane/Ziquri the Sandshrew/Sandslash
Most shiny Pokémon I got happen to have human names, or names of gods that could work for humans.
  • Catherine the Tsareena (Catherine the Great)
  • Steven the Metagross (Steven Stone)
  • Chris the Abomasnow (caught Christmas Eve)
  • Mary Jane the Shiftry (...)
  • Wally the Stakataka (looks like a wall)
  • Cyrano the Heatmor (for the best anteater who isn't actually a pangolin)
  • Raffi the Vileplume (rafflesia)
  • Gen the Uxie (from Gen, the god of knowledge in the religion of the world I'm building)
  • Artemis the Cresselia (from the goddess of the moon)
  • Kāne the Tapu Lele (Hawaiian god of life who Tapu Lele was based on)
Exceptions are:
  • Queen Jelly the Jellicent (Spongebob reference)
  • Shiny the Smoochum (I'm uncreative)
i think a lot of my child self's nicknames were really funny... my very first nicknamed pokemon EVER was my starter chimchar, who i named chimchar because i thought you could change the name every time they evolved (i did not know about name rater). so now i have an infernape that has been transferred and permanently named chimchar
I've nicknamed lots of Pokémon. Some of my favorites are:

Rage Scream the Charizard
Riki the Cinccino (He is Heropon!)
Kamehameha the Blastoise
SpiritBomb the Spiritomb
Tsynq Yr the Skuntank
Taggerung the Floatzel

I usually choose names that are references to something, some obvious, some more obscure. (If anyone gets the reference that my Skuntank's name is, I will be extraordinarily impressed!)

I also did a lot of shiny hunting, and I gave all of my shinies names that usually had to do with their shiny color. Some I like in particular are:

Rambutan the shiny Sandslash (it looks so much like one!)
Cotton Candy the shiny Mareep (it looks so much like it!)
Kirby the shiny Sneasel (he's so pink!)
Broly the shiny Pansage (he's a monkey, and he looks so broccoli!)

And special mention goes to Aria the shiny Absol, who got her name because she revealed halfway through my attempt to catch her with a normal Pokéball that her fourth move was Perish Song. And after trying valiantly to catch her in a normal Pokéball for two more turns, I threw a Master Ball instead.

I have dozens of other nicknames I came up with, but those are the ones I think are the most amusing at the moment.
Smoothie the wooper/Guagsire
Tagteam the Crustle
Kipo the eevee
Comet the Pangoro
Lil'Roboto the Klang

I have so many, these are just the top of my head XD