What are your favourite games of all time?

Dwayne Johnson

Speaker | Change Maker | Visionary | Life Coach
Feb 8, 2017
Night Sky Scenery
Cosmic Radioactive Orbiting Spectral #20
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Galaxy Swirl
Night Sky Scenery
Strawberry Doll
Quirky Doll
Moon Ball
Weird Doll
Strange Doll
a friend of mine shared a website that lets you make a grid of your top 25 favourites for different media (music, films, TV shows, etc.) as well as video games, and i thought it would be cool to see what kind of games TBT users like to play

Here's my top 25:


i tried to limit myself to one game per franchise to give my list more variety

^ here's the link to make your own list

If I could only play one game for the rest of my life it would be the sims 2. The music and gameplay are banging, I strive on the lifetime aspirations and still haven’t completed them all, the wants/ fears mechanic is perfect. I want the sims 4 to be her but IT NEVER WILL BE!!!

New leaf is so goated and I never thought that this would be the peak of the animal crossing franchise - rip online

I tried to limit choosing one game out of the franchise BUT I CANT HADES 2 IS AN IMMACULATE SEQUEL it’s still in early access I’m p sure but wow i didn’t expect it to be anywhere near as good as the original hades

Same w Pokémon, gen 5 deserved a spot but gen 4 has my heart as it’s what introduced me to the franchise. Mystery dungeon WHY WERENT U PORTED TO THE SWITCH ONLINE PACK EXCLUSIVE INSTEAD OF TEAM RED WHEN I ALRRADY OWN THE SWITCH HD VERSION

also where is the wind waker hd port HMMMMM (I didn’t complete it on the wii u but if I did I feel like it’d have a spot)

Harvest moon ds is the original stardew valley ok

the zoo tycoon collection was one of the first games I ever ever played on our old af pcs because my older cousin gave it to me (same w the og sims making magic) what a blessing looking back - this literally fuelled me to buy a proper gaming pc just so I could play planet zoo

I wasn’t going to put FE Awakening on there but it’s the first introduction to the franchise to me it’s just a shame I haven’t enjoyed any titles since this one nearly as much. CHROM ily

I FORGOT TO INCLUDE PETZ 4 but it’s the og Nintendogs

I already know this isn’t an ultimate ranking as there’s so many games I’m looking forward to playing and haven’t yet!!!

I’ve literally bought, downloaded and yet to play: fallout new vegas, portal 2 and dredge. Others on my wishlist include rune factory 4, persona 4 and 3. Then there’s classics I’m aware of and would like to dabble in at some point like red dead, bio shock and loads moreeeee…. Time, money, and being an adult is hard to balance.
This was pretty hard, especially since I don't know how to pick a favorite game.
I mostly tried to go off of memory but I started struggling. I'm not sure how accurate this is because I may have forgotten something. Also, the order they are in doesn't mean anything.

This was pretty hard, especially since I don't know how to pick a favorite game.
I mostly tried to go off of memory but I started struggling. I'm not sure how accurate this is because I may have forgotten something. Also, the order they are in doesn't mean anything.

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Yeees the first Pajama Sam is the best humongous game!
This was hard since a lot of my favorites were in the same series.

This is partially & roughly in order. I included Dragon Age Awakening since there was no option for the combined ultimate edition.

I still haven’t finished FFXII yet, but I know it’s going be up there, which is funny since the very first time I tried it I didn’t like it because Vaan annoyed me so much, but now, I love Vaan. He’s funny and a good kid 🙂.

I don’t play WoW anymore but part of me wants to one day when I get a gaming computer (if I ever do). Won’t be the same as back then since I played with my then boyfriend, but I’m sure I could find a new group of friends to play with or make new friends. It’ll be a pain to relearn the game but eh, I’ll worry about it when the time comes lol. I miss my mounts and pets so much 😭.

Honorary mentions: Final Fantasy VIII, Shadow Hearts, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (gameplay could have been better but the story was fantastic), maybe Phantom Pain as well though at least for the story (game play and other things could have been better though; hard to say since it has been so long since I played it). Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood (II was also fantastic), Pokemon Heart Gold, Pokemon Diamond, Pokemon TCG (gameboy game). Naruto Ultimate Ninja maybe also since I loved the manga style artwork; gameplay was really fun too. Golden Eye 007 - I don’t like James Bond but the game was so much fun with my sister and my friends (multiplayer).
It was surprisingly difficult to actually remember 25 games I’ve played 😂
They’re not in any particular order, picked heavily based on nostalgia for the Wii era.
I’ve only really ever played Nintendo games, and the Wii/DS were my first consoles.

These are really not in any particular order... however, IF I had to put at least 5 in order, it would probably be..

• Pokémon White
• Animal Crossing: New Leaf
• Kingdom Hearts
• Identity V (my favorite nostalgia game..)
• Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns / Splatoon 3 (tie for 5)

Some rambling about why I chose some of the options below
I chose Identity V, because it reminds me very fondly of high-school. I used to play with my ex-best friend A LOT. I miss playing with her, I miss playing in general. So, I'm getting back into it >:3
Midnight Cinderella and Ikemen Sengoku because they were my very first taste of otome games/otome novels(?). I loved Midnight Cinderella when I was in my early teens, and ateeeee upppp IkeSen when I was a little older (16-18).
To the Moon, I have only watched ONE playthrough of it, and I LOVED it. But I cried so stinkin' hard, I don't think I could ever play it myself. However, the story is IMMACULATE.
Cuisineer is a somewhat 'new' game, but I really enjoy the concept of it. Very fun, very chaotic at times; but I really love the character designs and the concept!
Minecraft is also very nostalgic to me. I used to play a lot of Pocket Edition, and the demo- like CRAZY, when it first released for iOS. I don't play much anymore, but I think it really shaped who I am today c:
Off the top of my head:


Originally, for games that are part of a series, I was just going to pick one game from the series to put on this list, but I changed my mind near the end. Although for 3D Mario games I decided from the start that they all needed to be there. Galaxy 2 isn't there simply because I never got the chance to play it through fully, but it would probably be there too otherwise. I also originally had 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy all on the list separately before I realized I could just put 3D All-Stars. Mario, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Splatoon, and Luigi's Mansion are all series where I've enjoyed all of the games.

Overall, I'm happy with how my list turned out. I probably forgot a game or two, but for the most part these are all games that I spent a decent amount of time on at some point in my life. For RuneScape, I rarely ever play it anymore, but the amount of RuneScape I played in the past was insane. I also haven't played Zoo Tycoon in a very long time. I do still occasionally play RollerCoaster Tycoon though.
couldn't upload my chart for some reason, so here's a cropped version that contains the names of said games. might be forgetting some.
chart (2).png
I've went ahead and filled in several of my favorite games! It's in no particular order except the bottom row which are my favorite games I've played that came out this year so far. As they say, variety is the spice of life!
Admittedly, the top 12 is easy for me, but then after that it gets really hard. I think I've played roughly 500 games throughout my life at this point, give or take, and I could easily replace the 13-25 spots with a completely different set of 13 games. So I can't say this is a truly definitive list of my top 25, but generally this is what I feel most strongly about at the time of doing this.

I don’t consider myself a gamer, so I can’t fill up a chart with 25 slots. However, I’ll list a few of my favorite games:

• NCAA Football 25 (XBOX Series X)
• NCAA Football 14 (XBOX 360)
• Pokémon SoulSilver (Nintendo DS)
• Paper Mario (Nintendo 64)
• Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo Wii)

I tried to include games that were the most significant to me growing up. Truth be told, I could do this another day and have different results...and that's the problem! There's just too many games I'd want to add! It's like...how do you pick, how do you prioritize, y' know? Anyways, this will have to do lol.