Elise - I generally don't dislike villagers for their looks.. But.. I just.. Can't.. :x Chow - Ugh, he's one of the worst. Had him in my ACPG town and he used to scare the daylights out of me. He's creepy and annoying and just.. no. Vic - -shiver- I just don't like him, okay. Opal - Bleh. She's hands down the worst. She's like the plague. She used to be in every single town I've ever had, and she's done nothing but cut me down and be a prissy little brat. Not to mention her bangs are hideous. Gruff, & Chops - Very, very un-appealing designs to me. Their colors remind me of nasty smells and gross bugs. Al & Tank - I see them everywhere, and they're annoying to me. Al looks like a sock monkey, and I hate sock monkies. They used to scare me when I was little. And Tank... ...Why does he have a leaf on his head again?
The only villager actually in my town that I'm not a fan of is Deena. She's just boring, bland design and unremarkable personality makes a boring villager. Mice and gorillas in general aren't exactly my favorites either.
Charlise. She's supposed to be peppy but she's always talking bad about my alt accounts and villagers. I would get rid of her, but no, I won't - I will not let her escape my wrath. I will bug her in every way I can but I won't let her leave - it's what she gets for trash talking the character I created based on my puppy >^>
Most of the species I dislike because of their aesthetics, but I won't name the ones I don't like just because of how they look (for example I hate the Cow species, YUCK... as well as many others)
But a character I don't like in general is Octavian. I had him in Let's go to the City and I hated him. He just scared me... Walked around weirdly and had an ugly house. Not to mention he was pretty ugly too. He seemed sort of evil.
I dislike Cobb. He is a sickly green pig with a weird shot-gun wound bandage on his head. He's also a jock, and his furniture is simply awful. He also moved into my town in a bad spot. Thank goodness he moved.