What characters do you dislike and why?

so much hatred for the frogs lol

I don't like any chickens/birds or mice.. they look like rats to me
Elise, Chow, Vic, Opal, Gruff, Al, Chops & Tank.

Elise - I generally don't dislike villagers for their looks.. But.. I just.. Can't.. :x
Chow - Ugh, he's one of the worst. Had him in my ACPG town and he used to scare the daylights out of me. He's creepy and annoying and just.. no.
Vic - -shiver- I just don't like him, okay.
Opal - Bleh. She's hands down the worst. She's like the plague. She used to be in every single town I've ever had, and she's done nothing but cut me down and be a prissy little brat. Not to mention her bangs are hideous.
Gruff, & Chops - Very, very un-appealing designs to me. Their colors remind me of nasty smells and gross bugs.
Al & Tank - I see them everywhere, and they're annoying to me. Al looks like a sock monkey, and I hate sock monkies. They used to scare me when I was little. And Tank... ...Why does he have a leaf on his head again?
The only villager actually in my town that I'm not a fan of is Deena. She's just boring, bland design and unremarkable personality makes a boring villager. Mice and gorillas in general aren't exactly my favorites either.
I don't like Bob, Mira, or Tangy.
For some reason the majority of the AC community has an infatuation with these three.
I don't like them, I'm sorry.
I don't like the pigs. I had Kevin in my town and thought he looked disgusting. His moving day is now an annual holiday in Moonglow :p
I don't like Shari. She was just annoying and sometimes rude to me. I also dislike Greta, who is in my town at the moment, because she is so, so dull.
Not really sure if I like Velma or not..didn't like Velma in Scooby Doo and don't like her in AC either haha
I don't like Nate. He refuses to move and is CONSTANTLY mooching of me for fruit and furniture.

How dare you! Haha just kidding, but anyway I hate Tabby because she is the ugliest creature/thing/animal in the game.
Charlise. She's supposed to be peppy but she's always talking bad about my alt accounts and villagers. I would get rid of her, but no, I won't - I will not let her escape my wrath. I will bug her in every way I can but I won't let her leave - it's what she gets for trash talking the character I created based on my puppy >^>
Most of the species I dislike because of their aesthetics, but I won't name the ones I don't like just because of how they look (for example I hate the Cow species, YUCK... as well as many others)

But a character I don't like in general is Octavian. I had him in Let's go to the City and I hated him. He just scared me... Walked around weirdly and had an ugly house. Not to mention he was pretty ugly too. He seemed sort of evil.
He's kill it with fire ugly, and he always talks about food and makes me feel fat DX
I dislike Cobb. He is a sickly green pig with a weird shot-gun wound bandage on his head. He's also a jock, and his furniture is simply awful. He also moved into my town in a bad spot. Thank goodness he moved.