- opened the mail - received a letter from Marty
- spoke to my villagers - agreed to let Marshal visit my house
- won a game of hide-and-seek against Fang, Cheri and Poncho - received a Sconce
- gave Marty a cherry and received a Common Chair
- Lolly mentioned that Cheri was thinking of moving but Cheri never mentioned it today
- shook trees - caught 3 bees, collected bells and a Karaoke System
- hit rocks - collected bells and a sapphire
- had daily fossils assessed and sold
- picked up the mushrooms around town
- sold fruit and seashells
- popped a balloon and received an Alpine Shelf
- worked a shift at Brewster’s Cafe
- purchased a Harvest Bed and a Pothos from T&T Emporium
- purchased a Stripe Knit Cap from Able Sisters
- caught some fish - traded a koi with Whitney in exchange for a Yellow Tartan Tee
- sold the remaining fish caught at Re-Tail
- scanned Vivian into town and asked for a gift - received a Stepladder