What Did You Accomplish In Your Town Today?

My main character reached unofficial milestones: a little over 200 MEOW coupons and 500 island medals (no idea when I'll reach gold badge status; the jump needed from my current one [silver] haunts me so).

Nothing really interesting ""accomplished"" by my side character besides finding the daily mushrooms and mush furniture piece.
Just started playing again

I am expanding my house a ton and working on public works projects since I'm just jumping back into the game. :)
Town Pokemon-Mayor unlocked the Flower Arch and the Garbage Can while planting flowers.
Added to picnic blankets and the Garbage Can by the train station.
Mayor and 2nd player found their Walking Leaf. Jumped to winter and caught the last two bugs. Dropped by Town Weeds for the golden nets.

Town Pokemon traded flowers with Town Weeds. Planted more yellow and purple flowers.

Main town- Caught the last items for Harvest Day. Completed tasks for villagers.
- Logged in with a new save file and found Frita moving in from my husband's town, so I made sure she settled in a good spot.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Invited my husband to visit my town so I could give him a few items.
- Made a wish during the meteor shower.
- Worked on breeding more carnations.
- Visited a lovely dream town. :)

- Made a wish during the meteor shower.
I had Lolly in my campsite, so I spent a decent of time convincing her to move in. Then I ran around trying to lay down patterns so that she'll move into the right plot. But boy am I frustrated with trying to find a QR code of flowers or petals that blends in with my grass. I could really only find ones that were too bright green. It looks like if I want to ever do anything with my grass, I'll have to cover my entire town with patterns to make everything match. I'm a bit sad about that, because I really do like the natural/default grass look.

Though before I go that route I think I'll try making my own QR code(s) first to see if I can make something more suited to my tastes than what others have posted online.

Other than that I got a new item from Gulliver, a few new items for my catalogue from the Nooks, and a really cute black and grey suit jacket/shirt combo (can't remember what it's called) from the Able sisters that I had never seen before.
*Added a few new fish to the museums.
*Completed the four dishes for Harvest Festival w/ the secret ingredients.
*Helped a bunch of villagers with their own dishes. Ankha got the most help.
*Sent a bunch of letters out.

It's so strange though. They were asking me to find a Dab pretty often, but when I started dabbing they wouldn't accept it. So lame.
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FINALLY Olaf is moving out of Treehut, and FINALLY Pietro is moving out of Moriyo. I'm goin to keep the 2 towns separated until a loooong time the 2 move out, or someone new moves in the town, cause I really don't want to have them swap towns. I want them OUT. They don't match the theme!
Main Town-Completed the Harvest Day in a short period of time. Just needed 6 fish for the villagers and got easy recipes.
Spent more time selling than playing Harvest Day.

Town Pokemon-Added the Wisteria Trellis and fixed some of the flowers. Completed some tasks.

Opened Town Crazy to check the players bug and fossil/art work collection. 3 players need the tarantula and 4 need the scorpion.
I thought I more caught the tarantula.
Blanche unlocked a yield sign while the mayor looked for a tarantula. Found a lot of purple flowers to send to Town Pokemon.
- Talked to all my villagers.
- Greeted Frita and sent her a welcome letter and gift.
- Rearranged some flowers around Frita's house, but I'll probably do more tomorrow when I can play while it's lighter.
- Opened my gates so my husband could visit and pick up a plate armor on sale at the T&T today.
- Completed some of the Harvest Festival ingredient requests by the villagers hoping to get the special ingredients like vinegar. After completing 6 requests, getting a bunch of fruit that I already have and 1 vinegar, I gave up. I don't like cooking in real life and the Harvest Festival just doesn't appeal to me much in the game either so I got bored of that quickly.

- Logged on to check his mail.
- Chatted with a few villagers.
- Sold a few items at Retail.
Main Town had an early mover. Stopped Ed and sent Big Top a Throne. Big Top wanted to buy it but 9999K was too much.

Town Crazy-Mayor caught the tarantula at 3am. It was going to disappear in the back of Shari house again but felt sorry for me.
Jumped to the next day to check for movers and complete chores.
All extra players bought items from the store. Need to visit to get the Qr Code unlocked.
- Welcomed Lolly to town
- Fulfilled several villager requests, resulting in two new items for my catalogue, a minimalist table and large magazine rack, which I really needed to complete two of my rooms.
- Had Nook expand both my mayor's and alt's houses.
- Bought a new item for my catalogue from Harvey.
- Customized several marshmallow chairs and re-did my museum exhibit room cafe to incorporate those and a couple items from the Weeding Day set.
- Worked at The Roost and got cream and sugar for my cafe.
- Re-did the patterns around my town tree, so now it's a Japanese sand/rock garden surrounded by my cobblestone tiles, rather than all cobblestone. I'm not sure if I like it better this way or not...
I only played on my mayor today, but I feel like I accomplished a lot.

- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Visited Sterling and Anabelle's houses and was able to purchase shirts they were displaying.
- Let my husband visit my town to drop off Katie and buy some fortune cookies.
- Worked at the Roost to complete a daily Meow task and got the superb coffee beans.
- Got the last mush lamp I needed.
- Rearranged a bunch of flowers.
- Bred my first white carnation.
- Started working on the bug themed room in my museum and ordered some more furniture for the room.
- Sent letters and gifts to half of my villagers.
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*Got the Drilling Rig PWP from Big Top.
*Sent my last letter to Freckles (she goes into boxes tomorrow).
*Did a few favors for villagers, especially Samson.

Quick day due to me being busy.
I finally got the TIY store upgrade
I did a ton of favors for my villagers
Still working on path placement
Main Town-Completed tasks for the villagers. Bought Pink PJ sets for Town Crazy.

Town Crazy- Player 2 and 3 caught their tarantula.
Dropped off Artwork and picked up the Pink PJ sets/flowers.
Started a new day and all players talked to the Able Sisters. Order PJ.
Mayor completed all tasks and got a new emote.
Elite Gardening Tour was on the list- Spent time collecting purple and yellow flowers.
Dropped by Town Pokemon and planted some of the purple/yellow flowers.
Took all of the red/white flowers home.
- Talked to all my villagers and completed all requests.
- Anabelle sent me the mama polar bear, which I was missing from my catalog.
- Rearranged a few flowers.
- Worked on breeding more hybrids.
- Refurbished a few pieces of furniture.
- Did some more decorating in my bug-themed museum exhibit room.
- Ordered a bunch of plants from my catalog.
- Sent letters and gifts to the remaining half of my villagers.
- Let my husband visit to get some more fortune cookies and purchase a gold lucky cat.
- Got a new song from K.K.
- Ordered an additional trellis from Boots' RV.

- Got a new song from K.K.
- Scanned in Boots for the 5 Meow coupons.
Tangy gave me a desert cactus as a reward for giving her a piece of furniture. The cactus item was one thing I had been looking for so I'm really glad Tangy was so kind. :blush:
This was from a few days ago! How cute!
Here's what I hope to accomplish:

Moving around some furniture in my mayor's house and hopefully starting to tie up loose ends with decorating
Minor shifts in the landscaping of my town
Get some cute christmas QR codes
...anddd hopefully get a ping for a new PWP

Also Muffy is moving out of her god awful house placement so I'm super glad about that, ruined some really beautiful landscaping xD