haven’t played in a few weeks... i have so much catching up to do.
december 25th

collected my daily weeds, tree branches, and rock materials

dug up a brown rattloid and a purple tremoloid!

dug up and got rid of the flowers that spawned from yesterday’s snowfall

caught some bugs

crafted a golden shovel

talked to all my villagers + gave wrapped fruit/giant clams to the ones i need pics from - got a labelled cardboard box from roswell, a blue long-underwear set from lolly and a purple dynamic tank top from marlo

dug up my daily fossils and money spot

got an orange marmalade recipe from roswell, and a potato postage recipe from fauna, and added them to my spare diys pile

threw some stuff out

checked able’s to see what they were selling today

bought a light wood bistro table from nook’s

checked to see what shells were washed up on the beach

harvested my pear trees

caught some deep-sea creatures

dug up the gyroid fragment i buried yesterday; it turned into a yellow stelloid

put some stuff into storage

sold stuff to the twins

got a cup of coffee from the roost, and brewster gave me a brewstoid!!

found and hit my daily money rock

got a mixed-fruits pie recipe from my daily diy bottle and added it to my spare diys pile

marlo asked me for a dragonfly, so i gave him a pre-caught darner dragonfly and got a blue business suitcoat in return

caught a sea bass

went on one of kapp’n’s mysterious tours and he took me to vine/glowing moss island! i gathered up all the vines and glowing moss, dug up a gyroid fragment, checked the beach for giant clams, found and learned the ruined broken pillar diy, and caught a sturgeon and a sea bass!

destroyed a rock

buried the gyroid fragment i found on kapp’n’s island (i didn’t water it bc it was snowing)

checked the recycling bin

collected my daily bonus nook miles

checked nook shopping

withdrew bells from the ABD

ordered a damaged castle tower

went to paradise planning and bought a simple stool, exchanged 68,100 bells for 29,964 poki, gathered up all the vines and glowing moss that grew back, found a dark lily crown diy to add to my spare diys pile, and learned how to make tomato juice from my restaurant’s chef!

went to harv’s island and had cyrus customize the simple stool to blue and the bistro table to the colour variants i’m missing

had katrina tell me my luck for the day; she told me my luck with belongings will improve

got 3 red ornaments from beau

delivered a package to beau for marlo and got a beige yodel sweater in return

delivered a package to beau for lolly
(why do beau’s packages keep going to the wrong places lol) and got a purple sweatshirt in return

listened to k.k. slider perform “k.k. khoomei” with margie, marlo, whitney and sprinkle

completed some nook mile achievements