Fri, 13 May and Sat, 14 May

Did all the usual stuff - checked the mail, collected weeds, checked Nook’s and Able’s

Moved the last two houses, Gayle’s and Megan’s, to the new street!

Was able to fill in the missing path where Gayle’s house used to be

Picked up all the loose items around Megan’s house

Decorated Gayle and Megan’s front yards, except flowers and shrubs. Gayle got a table/chair set, and Megan got a crescent moon chair and a beekeeper’s box

On Saturday, I had a visitor to the campsite (it was Tiansheng!), so of course I said hello

Also on Saturday, I visited someone’s island, and brought them an inventory full of clothes (as they haven’t unlocked the Able’s store yet)! I haven’t played online with anyone in so long! We also used the timer function and played a game of Hide n Seek (I lost). They also came to visit my island, and we did the group stretching together, which was really cute. They gifted Louie a shirt he loved, we went to visit Brewster, and we also went diving for sea creatures together. I know it‘s not rare, but I guess I’ve been slack with the seasons, because I caught a Gazami Crab for the first time!
Sun, 15 May

Today I’ve still been working on the new street! There is a whole section of the “street” than runs North to South (rather than East to West, which is where the houses are) that I don’t know what to do with yet.
Does anyone else line their cliff edges with fencing for “safety”? I know the villagers aren’t going to fall off, but it just seems like it makes sense to have railing on the edge of a cliff, so yeah, I fenced parts of the street.

Added shrubs and flowers to Megan and Gayle’s yards!

Chopped down some trees to get regular wood! Used the wood to make a garden shed for Victoria, and also gave her an outdoor table with some plants on it for her front yard.

Started placing some extra shrubs along the new street.

It was raining yesterday, so there were a lot of new flowers. I dug them up and sold them all through the box out the front of Nook’s. I also bought new tools from Nook’s and checked Nook’s for new items.

Bought some items from the Nook Miles and Nook Shopping catalogues.

Went to HHP to order more items from Wardell! Also paid off some of my debt to him!

Wasn’t planning on it, but I saw Merengue on the beach at HHP, and since I love her and miss having her on my island, I‘ve started making her vacation home.