I've been losing track of time this week by alarming amounts

my last two days ended up very short, very late, and very unproductive... Hoping to turn that around a bit tomorrow, provided I don't have other things requiring my immediate attention...
9/2 (VERY late day)
• Although Isabelle announced that Kicks was visiting today, I never got around to seeing him, due to extremely poor time management on my part.

• Found a lost notebook in Francine's yard, and then ran smack into Francine. I asked her about it, and she pointed me to Pietro (who was thankfully still awake). He was overjoyed to have it back. Ran into Kitty on my way there, and ended up having to apologize for not having spoken to her in a while. Although, she did forgive me pretty quickly.
• Only realized I'd completely blown Rhonda off AFTER I was getting ready to call it for the night. I scrambled around for an apology gift to give her, then settled on making some fruit cupcakes...
• Immediately tracked down Rhonda to apologize. She was very disappointed, but didn't seem to be holding a grudge about it. (Accidentally did that to Vesta back in WW; she was furious, said she wished my house would burn down, and I felt like a HUGE jerk). She still accepted my cupcakes, though, so maybe not all hope is lost.
• Recieved a present from ingame mom, but didn't get around to opening it. Also recieved a gift from Francine, who showed concern for how well I was sleeping (I'ma be real with ya, I haven't been sleeping well lately, so the letter actually did warm my heart a bit).
• Isabelle had announced that Slider was back in, so I did stop by for the show. Unfortunately, I got distracted and didn't catch the name of what he played, but I did run into Francine while I was there.