• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

-did my dailies (rocks, fossils, tree drops, message bottle etc)
- I decided for no particular good reason to swap where my rose and my diner set is, And extend my boardwalk/diner/arcade
-Add a bridge to the entrance of my island and tried to make it look pretty
-It was fruit harvest day on Avalon
-had another hefty dent in my wishlist (Only 4 things left!)
I was able to move one rock where I needed to spawn today, picked up my daily DIY, managed to cover another whole room with DIYs (need to go through them lol), terraformed a little bit of areas that I didn't like, removed flowers that didn't fit my theme. Looked through my inventory and tried to decide to let go of things but couldnt LOL
• did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
• talked to all my villagers and gave them gifts
• checked out nook’s cranny + able sisters
• did some fishing today and got some nice fishies for whenever cj decides to show up
• donated a new painting to the museum
• did a few trades
I got 2 dreamies! Merengue and marina! And i almost filled in every lake/waterfall
Here's what happened on Shione Island today; though, honestly, it wasn't much.

• Completed my daily chores, as usual.
• Kicks was here today!
• Helped Reese and Cyrus again, this time with a chic theme!
• Scrounged up some bells to buy an expensive item in the store...
9th of June on Isla Shion ... (No it's not the same island as Marzipan)
- Cheri got a new synthesizer on her garden stage!
- All the June bugs are caught and donated
- Pashmina now has a tricycle and a sign outside
- Finally figured out a pond area idea! still WIP but getting somewhere
- Bought some rugs, walls and flooring from Saharah
- also did daily chores. this includes helping Reese and Cyrus
  • Got Celeste diy
  • Bought from Saharah
  • Got model for cj
  • Bought stuff at Nooks and Ables
  • Went fishing and bug catching
  • Talked to all of my villager and did requests
  • Fixed the town a bit
  • Did wedding event
  • Fixed my house a bit
  • Used my second account and did some fixing
  • Dug fossils and sold them
  • Did wisps requests
  • Attended K.K. Concert and requested K.K. love song (one of my favorites)
This is what I’ve done lately, it’s not everything I did in one day, but 2 weeks or something.
In Reviled:

- Dug up all the fossils.
- Sold all the seashells and saved the summer shells.
- Shook all the trees.
- Watered all the flowers.
- Paid more of my loan.
- Checked up on and talked to my villagers.
- Donated anything new to the museum.
- Checked on Nook's Cranny and bought anything new.
- Checked Nook's Shop and ordered five of anything new.
- Checked the Able Sisters and bought anything new.
- Got whatever was new from the daily NPC villager.
- Got new DIYs.
- Changed my home slightly.
- Caught some more bugs and fish I needed for models.
- Bred some more hybrids.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Caught new bugs and fish from this and last month.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
I terraformed a little today, that's about it lol, I'm realky becoming slow on doing stuff now as I'm getting busier by the day, but I'm happy I can still pick up my game and play when I have the chance :D
Oops once again forgot to make a post:
  • Took chic wedding photos for Reese and Cyrus
  • Decorated around the island a bit

  • Got my first purple pansy!
  • Commissioned a scorpion model
  • Sold the rest of my scorpion hoard to Flick
  • Took cute wedding photos for Reese and Cyrus
  • Did some terraforming
  • finally satisfied with my entrance and the front of my plaza (managed to trade for a beautiful statue so it’s complete as of now)!
  • organized my storage + sold all the items taking up space
  • pulled all my weeds
  • finished stitches’ yard (had some trouble on terraforming around it but i love how it turned out) <3
  • moved all of my hybrids to the beach (+ color ordinated all of them for the sake of my sanity)
  • talked to all of my villagers
  • cleared up some of the space diys are taking up in my house
  • gathered mats (wood, iron nuggets, clay, shells)
  • completed the wedding season challenge
Last edited:
I redid some old areas of my island that I set up with the purpose of breeding certain hybrids now that I got said hybrids. I also redid my hybrid pair garden. It looks great.
I think I’ve finally managed to figure out where each villagers house will be. Now I can finish terraforming around them and not spend 50k per day anymore 😃 (for now)
- I did the wedding photoshoot again and bought more items.
- I gave my daily gifts and Bones gave me his photo! Here I am celebrating!


- I got more wallpaper and rugs from Saharah.
- I did a little redecorating in my house.
- I helped Wisp and got a toolbox.

The highlight of the day was getting Bones’ photo. Now I have one from Aurora, Judy, and Bones!
• did my daily grind of fossil hunting, material collecting, etc
• talked to all my villagers and gave them gifts - kid cat gave me his photo today🥺
• checked out nook’s cranny + able sisters
• flick f i n a l l y decided to show up so i got to sell my stockpile of bugs and commissioned a few firefly models from him
• took some more wedding photos
• did a few trades
Here's what happened on Shione Island today!

• There's going to be a meteor shower tonight! Wow!
• Leif was here today! But he didn't have anything I particularly wanted...
• Helped Reese and Cyrus again (cute theme), got the brown wedding wall.
• (Logged off for a little while to play some Splatoon)
• Marshal showed me how to express "Resignation".
• Opened up the gates to let others join in for the meteor shower! It got pretty busy! :D I'm happy I was able to do it!
• Thanks to my visitors, my flowers got plenty of water, and I was able to clear some of my spare recipes off of my beach!
• Hit the 200-wishes-made milestone! Whoo!
• Reached 4M bells in savings!
• Asked Isabelle about the island rating; it's still a 4, because I apparently have "too many" trees :( I like having lots of trees, darn it...
In Reviled:

- Dug up all the fossils.
- Sold all the seashells and saved the summer shells.
- Shook all the trees.
- Watered all the flowers.
- Paid more of my loan.
- Checked up on and talked to my villagers.
- Donated anything new to the museum.
- Checked on Nook's Cranny and bought anything new.
- Checked Nook's Shop and ordered five of anything new.
- Checked the Able Sisters and bought anything new.
- Got whatever was new from the daily NPC villager.
- Got new DIYs.
- Changed my home slightly.
- Caught some more bugs and fish I needed for models.
- Bred some more hybrids.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Caught new bugs and fish from this and last month.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
Talked to my villagers, checked the shops for items I wanted and are looking for and invited Grizzly to my campsite for the second day, as I'm going to be trying to move him in and replacing either Blanche or Tammy so I can have a cranky in my town. I'm missing that particular personality.