What Did You Accomplish Today?

In all fairness I've been crazy depressed lately so at first I didn't even think I could post.

But accomplishments don't have to be anything big. I finished some homework, and played a lot of OkamiDen, which I've been wanting to replay for a while now. Honestly, that game is keeping me sane.

I'm proud of you. I know it can take a lot of effort, especially when you're not in the right state of mind to begin with. An accomplishment is an accomplishment. <3
Finally put the last piece of wallpaper up in the livingroom.
I wish I could say I'm done now, but there is still so much more to do in this room.. :(
I voted in my state's election and picked up a Christmas present for my husband.
not dying

loooots to do at work so im glad i can be there and do it and hopefully not dying lol
Finished my studying for next week, so now I’m ahead. Only have minor things to worry about, which leaves time to take care of some other things I’ve been putting off. :cool:
Passed the paper I wrote for last week! We haven't gotten exact grade yet (which honestly idfc about which one I get since I passed) but the teacher sent us a message that everyone who handed in on time passed :D !!!
Got an important appointment for early next year, I'm scared but also excited to move forward with my life. c:
Got throu another day of work :') Played some ACNL thos morning before work which I totally consider an accomplishment cause I'm always tired now.
I finished the last of my laundry and got the trash ready to take out. For now, I'm all caught up and can relax and enjoy the weekend.
I did some laundry and got some studying done
I also went to the gym and attended a yoga class. It was more tiring than I thought it would be
Read thru the Aenid "songs", and Oedipus for next week :D Still need to read the bibble and some secondary literature about everything + reply to some questions but should be doable, I don't have class til wednesday anyway.