What Did You Accomplish Today?

Well, TBT and feh were both down for the majority of the day so I got bored and watched anime and played Pokeheroes. Got bored of that and decided to get ahead in my studying. Now I don’t have anything to study for the rest of the week. Time to get even further ahead into next week studying-wise, because why not. :p
- Ate a taro pastry for breakfast. Also drank coffee.
- Made an appointment for a haircut next week.
- Finished my Psychology and English homework.

Feeling pretty productive so far. <3
I got up at 5.00 am, and cleaned all the windows (inside, as it's raining), then did everything with furniture polish. Then I mopped, did the bathroom sink and the rest, then when the floor dried I cleaned all the kitchen cupboards inside and out.

I'm buggered and want a shower but the floor isn't dry yet in the bathroom.
- Went with my mom to go get the car washed. Then got a caramel frappe from McDonald's.
- Got some exercise from dancing around in my room.
- Read my book a bit.
- Took out the trash and replaced it.
- Texted and chatted with some friends.
I went to work, reviewed test results and signed off on the implementation for this weekend, and I cleared out half of the incidents in my queue. I'm super excited about that last part. My incident queue has felt like a black hole for about a year now because whenever anyone doesn't know where something should go, it gets assigned to me. I didn't have nearly enough time to keep up with the constant influx of incidents, so I got behind and stayed that way. My new team and project is not so demanding, so I've finally had time to start cleaning out all that mess. :D

I also washed two loads of towels tonight and managed to get my dog to go outside and do his business even though it's been raining all day (he hates the rain).
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- Cooked a meal
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Took my vitamin.
- Took out the trash.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Got some groceries and put them away.
- Finished my day in New Leaf, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Had a overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
Went to work and did everythin pretty quickly, despite having an annoying headache all of my shift.
- Cooked a couple meals, including a new recipe.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Had a overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
- Did my Wii Fit workout
- Checked up on some homework for next week
- Did a hair mask and washed my hair/took a shower
- Collected some Wii games I'll literally never play and gonna go to the thrift store with them today
I drew some animal crossing villagers!
I'm trading a villager card with someone from a different site and I always try and add a drawing that they may hopefully enjoy.
Tried my best using a mixture of normal colouring pencils and watercolour pencils. Also still not best at faces yet XD

I turned on Lets Go Eevee and literally 5 seconds later I encountered a shiny Doduo lmaooooo
I took the ACT! I think I did fairly well on it. I'm quite meticulous when it comes to tests, so I ran out of time in all of the sections though lmao. Bubbled in all of the remaining questions lmao (save for one I think, only because I accidentally missed it).
I cut my dog's nails. They really needed it last weekend, but he wasn't feeling well so I didn't want to put him through the added stress. We got it done today and he was actually unusually calm about the whole thing.
I took the bins out, and it's been pouring for days.
Got totally soaked. :)
I just put some buckets outside to collect water since it's raining (finally) in California. :}
- Went out and got some food.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Had a overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
i played acnl and kinda overcame (?) my social anxiety. i also did some work for school :)