What Did You Accomplish Today?

- Cooked a meal and baked a pie.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Did some cardio.
- Had a overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
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Today I made a ~scary~ phone call to my doctors office about asking for a refill for my one prescription. Sounds dumb, but I hate talking on the phone, and I am slowly getting more comfortable with it
Today I made a big pot of soup for my neighbor for his birthday, and I figured since I was already at it I made a big pot for my family as well.

He loves my Tuscany Soup, so I surprised him. I was really happy to see how excited he and his mom were about it. :)
I got quite a bit done today at work. I'm keeping my queues and inbox clean for a change. :)
- Went to school today, and went to my first hour class.
- Sold a bunch of chocolates during my Math hour! Props to the teacher, who helped me sell them. I even went to the neighboring classroom (with the teacher too) and sold candy there. I'm proud of myself for that.
- Finished the group project in Psychology today. Just need to present it to the class next week.
- Finished and turned in my assignment for English.
- Was pretty productive at school today! :)

I turned in an important assignment, but I don't think it's going to be very good.

Kinda late reply to this, but I hope you get a good score on it c:
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- Cooked a meal and baked a pie.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Did some cardio.
- Had an interview on the phone; the location unfortunately will not work so it is back to searching.
- Had a overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
I went to work and wrote 3 new user stories, got some health updates from my dad, and went to the grocery store. I also finally decided on a new trash can that we've needed for months. I'm way too picky.
- threw out some garbage
- worked a bit on my presentation for english class
- Cooked a meal.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Did some cardio.
- Looked into more job stuff.
- Had a overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
showered, shaved and am in the midst of mentally preparing for school tomorrow :’)
Took a mental health day off work, just ended up feeling guilty. But I ended up cleaning the entire kitchen and that felt good.
I finished one of my assignments today! And what's even more hype for me is that I have a week long break from college!
- Went to the morning Mass.
- Watched some more Ace Attorney play-through videos c:
- Sanitized some items.
- Took a nap.
- Danced around my room for a bit!

... Pretty much all I did lmao. Oh yeah, and I drank two cups of coffee. :3

Took a mental health day off work, just ended up feeling guilty. But I ended up cleaning the entire kitchen and that felt good.

Understandable, but I think it's good to take a break every now and then. I hope today was a relaxing day for you. <3
Finished my studying, which honestly wasn’t that much to begin with. Then chilled and played + watched Pokemon for a bit because I hadn’t played an actual video game in over a month and need the stress relief. Now I’m probably going to eat dinner, shower, and fold laundry (and then get ahead in my studying if I have time afterwards).
- Went out to eat and baked some cupcakes.
- Stuck to my fasting.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Washed, dried, and put on the sheet set.
- Got a hair cut.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Did some cardio.
- Had a overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things so I will put these in a spoiler.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
- Went to my Orchestra class today <3
- Talked to my Psychology teacher about something
- Did schoolwork
- Talked to my best friend on the phone just now