What Did You Accomplish Today?

- Woke up a bit earlier than usual
- Had coffee, took meds and vitamins
- Counted my coins and exchanged them for cash
- Wrote down stuff I needed to do
- Emailed my therapist with a list of things for this week's session
- Messaged my English teacher
Just got back from driving - seemed like I drove for like an hour or so. I think I did pretty good! No news headlines about a teenage girl crashing into people today ;D

EDIT: Not that it has happened before, anyways....

finished my essay for english class ;u;

Congrats love!
I got all my necessary work done today, including working an hour of overtime to deal with an issue that was discovered at the end of the day. Then, I took my car out since it's been parked under a tree for 2 weeks and got it washed and picked up dinner.
- Cooked a meal.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Took out the trash.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf and New Horizons, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Did some cardio.
- Got a fulfilling sleep.
- Had a overall lovely day!

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
Hello, all:

- I signed up for Pillowfort (I can send up to 3 invites a week, DM me)
- I checked all of my messages
- I went grocery shopping!
Yesterday was a very hard day, I put my elder cat down :( She had been sick for while and was her time. ❤ So today i'm taking it pretty easy.

Updating my Password Notebook
Made tons oatmeal cause its cold and comfort food!
Done some cleaning
Checked Etsy for my orders
Yesterday was a very hard day, I put my elder cat down :( She had been sick for while and was her time. ❤ So today i'm taking it pretty easy.

Updating my Password Notebook
Made tons oatmeal cause its cold and comfort food!
Done some cleaning
Checked Etsy for my orders

Sorry about your cat... I know what its like to lose a pet, it sucks. :( You have my condolences.
Finally got to have an X-ray of my leg, so hopefully I'll finally get to see if something is wrong with it! Here's hoping it's nothing serious!
Yesterday was a very hard day, I put my elder cat down :( She had been sick for while and was her time. ❤ So today i'm taking it pretty easy.

Updating my Password Notebook
Made tons oatmeal cause its cold and comfort food!
Done some cleaning
Checked Etsy for my orders

I'm so sorry for you loss. You have my deepest sympathy.

Today I made it through another difficult workday that included more overtime. What a stressful week! After work, I placed an order for some necessary items for my dog and picked them up through the store's curbside service, went by the grocery store to pick up some water and other essentials, then picked up dinner. I also went ahead and ordered some reusable cloth face masks for my husband and I since it seems like this is going to be a long-term thing.