What Did You Accomplish Today?

I walked my dog and gave him his heartworm pill. My new sheets arrived in the mail so I put them away in the closet. Other than that, I just enjoyed my time off work and did a lot of things I wanted to do like read, watch TV and play video games.
- Cooked a meal.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Took out the trash.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf and New Horizons, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Did some cardio.
- Got a fulfilling sleep.
- Had an overall good day.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
- Got a bagel for breakfast
- Took my daily pills
- Did those last few assignments and exams for the year
- Filled out some surveys for online school
- Watched my favorite streamer on Twitch
- Played with my friends online!
- Ran a mile
- Watched the first episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender
- Posted here for a while
- Cleaned up my house while listening to music

It's a lot of repetition, I just get into a routine!
I played Animal Crossing New Horizons today to talk to my villagers and take part in the wedding event. After that, I completed more villager Smash Bros. stock icons! I still have at least 350+ more to go lol.
I walked my dog, showered, and since my new office chair arrived over the weekend, my husband and I finally put that together. Now I can stop sitting in a dining room chair during this long work-from-home stint.
Finally cleaned my flat, been putting it off because of the heat at the moment but I did it! Feel a lot better now 😁
I also made chocolate cookies!
Then spent my evening playing animal crossing new horizons and relaxing.
- Took my pills
- Did some extra credit work for my courses
- Was nervous about some sudden plans for a while because I at least want to know like 3 days before so I can stress out properly
- Played Minecraft with friends
- Cleaned my room again because I was bored
I'm soon to be selling my house, so bought some new carpeting for it, then painted some walls for a few hours. So much left to do, but one step at a time, guys! Other than that, I ate and played animal crossing and took care of the two puppers. I have a feeling me and everyone else in this thread are going to have a lot in common....
- Cooked a meal.
- Took my vitamin.
- Cleaned the dishes and sanitized the area.
- Re-filled both water filters for later.
- Checked for the mail.
- Did some general organizing and tidying up.
- Took out the trash.
- Caught up on my socials.
- Finished my day in New Leaf and New Horizons, checked up on my partner's town, and restocked some things.
- Worked on some trading related stuff.
- Did some cardio.
- Got a fulfilling sleep.
- Had an overall good day.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are.
- Checked on my town in Animal Crossing New Leaf and went through my daily routine.
- Checked my email on update with job status (recruitment process has been postponed since late February because of the pandemic, I work in the accomodation industry, cross my fingers I still have a spot).
- Prepared teaching materials for my math and history online classes for tomorrow and the day after (currently work as a temporary tutor).
- Went to the bank for the first time since February to get a banking app activated on my mobile (I just returned back to my country from completing my university).
- Went to get groceries at the supermarket after the bank visit. Got myself some Japanese beer (Kirin Ichiban, my second fav after Yebisu), been close to 8 months since I last had it! Gonna enjoy having them this weekend :giggle:
- cried internally because my red gerbera has little white bug eggs on it
- about to work on some art for a user on here
- watch some scooby doos
- going to go to costco in a bit; AAAA D:
- Signed in to my college account and got some stuff done! Not much, but it's a start!
- Watched a new movie
- Opened up the mail package - got the "Blues For Dummies" book I ordered
- Disinfected stuff
- Played Rune Factory 4
It took me five days (the first two being the worst), but I finally defeated the superboss in the Octo Expansion of Splatoon 2! I was really doubting my skill in the game, but I guess I don't have to now!
Huzzah! :D