What Did You Accomplish Today?

- had a shower, moisturised (this might not be a big deal but I've been making an effort to religiously moisturise every time I step out of the shower and I've noticed a big difference in how smooth my skin feels!)
- wrote almost 800 words for a report I have due at the end of April. it's a huge assignment but it feels good to have a big chunk of it done - now just to submit the draft and get feedback!

LOL, I'm sooo lazy to put on lotion after I shower. It's like every once in a while if I feel like it...? Haha!

Also go you on getting that report typed up! 🤘
Made a good amount of progress on the illustrations for this activity book. Being the sole illustrator is really paying tole on my energy and back lol.
Had a shower and actually let my hair air dry in the sun. Usually not sunny or warm enough for me to sit outside (or I can't be bothered to lol) It has now gone all curly which is nice (well the top has, sides are shaved too short to go curly).
I actually had a very productive day:

I took the bus to the grocery store, bought food
Put my food away
Did the dishes
Walked to the library and the store. Bought some stuff I needed and returned books/picked up requests at the library.
Showered/Brushed teeth, took meds/took multivitamin
Took out the trash and threw old food in fridge out
Cleaned up the kitchen
Cleaned the bathroom
Vacuumed my apartment
Checked the mail
Made hard boiled eggs to meal prep some egg salad
Worked on my Italian with Duolingo
And read a lot
Yesterday I;

Read a ton
Practiced Italian w/ Duolingo
Brushed/flossed 2 times
Cooked a sweet potato and roasted asparagus
Meal prepped some spicy Italian turkey sausage for the upcoming days to go with pasta

That's about it, wasn't my most productive day but cooking even a little bit wears me out due to depression from schizoaffective/bipolar disorder.
I walked to the library and picked up my requests that were in, and I made some English muffin mini pizzas.

With the help of Josuke and a YouTube tutorial, we terrorized the realm with Amoogus Grande.
Omg this thread hasn't been bumped for months?

Anyway this was Saturday but still-

I finally tidied up my new resin decorating area and organized my resin stuffs.

Assembled a 3-tier rolling cart to hold and organize my resin stuff

I did something else too but I can't remember what it was.
I got my monthly injection, and went to my therapy appointment. That's about all I did because I only got 3 hours of sleep last night and am exhausted