What did you gift this holiday season?


❄️ Snowy Lesbian!! ❄️
May 17, 2014
Pink Love Letter
Fair Pinwheel
Blue Train Engine
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Mom's Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush
A little spin off of what did you get!

I was wondering what everybody's favourite gift they  gave this year was. Was it something you found at the thrift store that you knew would be perfect for the receiver, was it something you made by hand, commissioned, or something that the person had been asking for for a while?

It's so much fun giving that perfect gift and seeing the other persons face light up 🥰
wasn't able to gift anything physically this year, but i did gift castle crashers to two of my friends through steam, if that counts.
My brothers and I pitched in for a new phone for my Mom

We also pitched in for a new TV for my grandma and a texas roadhouse giftcard + Deadpool & Wolverine for my father.

I wished I could have gotten my family something from myself but my was just so tight for me this year.
i only got gifts for my partner and his dogs - he got a sweater, some silly socks, and a toronto maple leafs jibbit (he's a detroit red wings fan and that's unacceptable). at the beginning of the month i also got him a coffee advent calendar.

the dogs got some treats and some peanut butter cookies ofc
My sister and I got a few pictures from her wedding framed to give to my mom! She's always wanted some professional looking photos of us together but I'm camera shy so I'd always put it off. I got my sister a book, It Takes Two for her to play with her husband, and a fleece-lined flannel from the men's section cause ever since I told her men's flannels are cozier she's wanted more of them. My favorite gifts though are the ones I got for you the very creator of this thread so I cannot say what they are 🤐
For three of my friends in school i got a Gingerbread plush for one, tinted lipbalm and a rain poncho for another (someone tore her original poncho :mad: ), and paint canvases for the last. I'm still waiting to give lights to another friend, but I don't think I'm going to see them for a while.

For my family, I got Italian chocolates and a notebook with a fancy pen for my brother, a reindeer mug for my sister (she tricked me into thinking we were only exchanging cups and not also other stuff, so I'll get her back by giving her more stuff later), a bunch of chocolate for my other sis, some money so my dad could buy something for his game he really likes, and a matching cup and bowl for my mam. I also lit them all a candle and said a little prayer for them

For a secret santa exchange I gave my secret santa a gold coloured bracelet, a bath/shampoo set, a box of Celebrations (chocolates), two homework passes because that's what she really wanted lol, and a Butler's chocolate bar. I gave some sweets to a first year who got noticed but foot cream for secret santa 💀
I got my partner some sweat pants and shirts, slippers, socks and a couple gift cards. Their stocking also had some candy & lotion and deodorant and other random smaller things like that. I got my mom some clothes too and my dad some magazines & a calender with dogs on it. He was super pumped about the calendar. I give him one every year and I make sure it's doggo themed.
Honestly I only gave gift cards this year which to me is still pretty neat! I'm glad that I was able to give them $$ towards an item they want at a certain store so they don't have to take it out of their own pocket. I am also super grateful that most of the people I buy for love and ask for gift cards.
i was supposed to gift my boyfriend Ready or Not, but his sister beat me to it 😅 anyway i'm going to gift him a Strava subscription when my (very late) stipend comes around in January, a little late for the holidays but he completely understands :)
I made cakes for my family for the holidays, gave pastries to some of my friends, and to other friends i bought individual gifts including a big spider keychain, a cute poster, and a jewelry box (all from artist alleys!). I also plan on baking cookies for them on the weekend.
Next year when I get a better-paying job I'll definitely spoil my friends and family! I feel bad not being able to go all out this holiday season as im trying to save money, but i'm really glad i still got to give a little bit of something for them. 💖
I got all of my friends steam games from their wishlist, which is something I look forward to every year! I save up a little pocket money from streaming, and the second Winter Sale hits everyone starts getting pelted with games. It's my favorite tradition, just a way to give back to the people I love.

Much like last year too I was supposed to make everyone a piece of art for our online Christmas trees, but a combination of me already being swamped and them not posting their trees until rather late this year made me only able to complete 2 images. Which is very me core, I do be not finishing stuff. Everyone is well used to this.
Everyone who did have an online Christmas tree did get a loving note from me though regardless! My friends are valuable to me!!!
For general work friends I did Ulta gift cards and cookies, then I got my closest one flowers and a candle she's been wanted. The candle was so nice I bought one for myself too lol. For my partner I got a small cake and commissioned an illustration. I think I did pretty good this year with covering everybody.
I got my mom some really fluffy socks she's been wanting and I got my dad some beer nuts. I also got my Secret Santa a crap-ton of Takis.

I'm still very unemployed but I'm doing my best out here 😅
I made food this year. Of that it would be this candy called buckeyes.
Our Christmas isn't fully over yet though. I still have the other half of the family to visit. We got the younger kids some tamogatchis that can connect to each other. Everyone else is food (adults) or cash (older kids).
This year I gifted some lip masks, some Japanese heating eye masks, a perfume and a prompted journal
Hmm. It's hard to say what was my favorite gift that I gave. I gave my mom money for her trip. This was special because I hardly ever gave her money as a gift during the years that I was unemployed. I also think that I did a good job with my secret santa.
I got my sister an advent calendar for marshmallow flavors and a hot chocolate one. I thought it would be something different and fun to do. So I gave it to her on Thanksgiving and she really loved it. I also got myself one of each so we could try them out together. It was really fun!

The hot chocolate took a lot more time to make so it sometimes was a hassle I didn't want to bother with and I missed a day every now and then. Next year I will probably get us the marshmallow one only.