Obviously Animal Crossing but aside from that Luigi's Mansion 3 is also looking god tier levels of good. The mission based gameplay is gone, you're in one big hotel instead of multiple smaller structures and aaa I can't wait.
I'm also super happy that the scarescraper is back with a ton of improvements. The one in Luigi's Mansion 2 was a buggy mess and would sometimes softlock the game because of it. There was also a huge issue with people disconnecting because of the 3DS' inconsistent netplay.
What i really liked bout nintendos e3 was Animal crossing new horizons because i've been playing animal crossing new leaf for quite a while and i've grown on the game , i find it very enjoyable and exciting . My favourite things featured in animal crossing new horizons was the nookling phone , the ability to use a path tool to mke dirt paths and the fact that the characters present at the end were wearing bags and backpacks could this mean that there will be backpacks in the actual game?
1. Luigi's Mansion 3 - I was hoping for a release date. Really wanted them to drop that date lmao. But I was glad on getting playing. Very excited to play this game!
2. BOTW Sequel - Well that was very unexpected. Didn't think we'd get a part two. I was expecting Bayonetta or Metroid that I was fooled thinking oh new botw dlc but no. Maybe that's what leak meant "~if you liked botw then you'll like what's coming~"
3. Animal Crossing - Loved the idea of a deserted island, backpacks/purses, door decorations and so on. While many were disappointed with the release date I was very happy with it as I have many games to buy for the next 6 months.
4. FE: Three Houses - The five year time skip which got me asking so many questions. Got me really hyped to play.
besides animal crossing, luigi's mansion 3! it looks so good and the multiplayer intrigues me! im super excited to pick it up. also links awakening and the dungeon building feature looks super neat!
1. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Well, anything other than this would've been a surprise. lol Can't wait to see more.
2. Trials of Mana
Secret of Mana is my second favorite game of all time and Trials of Mana is almost as good so I was very excited to see that Trials is getting not only translated (Collection of Mana) but is also getting a full remake. And not a cheap one like for the first two got - this is the real deal. I've played through the japanese original multiple times so this isn't a new game for me but I'm really looking forward to it.
3. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
This is, just like Trials of Mana, a game that I have played many, many times. It's one of my favorite entries in what is probably my favorite video game series, so yeah, I really like this game. The visual style is a bit divisive but I love it personally.
4. Luigi's Mansion 3
Looks really good. They've done away with the mission structure of Luigi's Mansion 2/Dark Moon and that's a good thing.
5. The sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Yeah, I'm a little hyped but we didn't really see much. I want some confirmation that we'll see some more classic Zelda gameplay, like dungeons, before going all in. I liked BotW but it lacked many key features that I love about the Zelda games.