What do people compliment the most about you?

I get a lot of compliments for being such a great piano player (I mean I have been playing for almost 13 years so I've got the experience), and also the fact that I'm doing a double major in two very different fields of study.

People never compliment me on my looks : , )
Post glitch, cannot see post.

Anyway, people usually compliment me on how loyal I am as well, my name, my height, good looks, and confidence.
I've had a lot of people compliment me on my eyes, which is nice. Other than that, that I'm smiling/laughing quite a bit of the time.
My eyes.. I get to hear all the time that my eyes are soooo cute and that I look cute in general..
I agree with my eyes, I like them :)
I've had a lot of people compliment my voice. Some people say I sound like I'd be a good news presenter because of it xD otherwise my nails as I used to have long, healthy nails, up until I started my job