What do people look for in visiting other towns?


Apr 3, 2020
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This is my first time participating online with an AC game, so I was wondering what are people looking for when visiting?

Obviously, I understand if you have high turnip prices that is a plus. But if you aren't offering to craft items for others atm, is it worthwhile just to open it up for people to visit the shop? Do I have to worry about people picking all my flowers via Dodo code? Or can they only pick things up I specifically drop outside of my house? Etc.
I designed my town to be a bazaar so having people enjoy it is so nice :)
Exploring, visiting shops, special villagers (Celeste, Saharah), sharing diy recipes (when a villager is making something and gives you the recipe, they can also share with guests), or catching critters from the opposite hemisphere.

Guests can't use axes or shovels by default, you have to "best friend" them to let them use potentially destructive tools. But they can pluck flowers (the plant is still there) and shake trees and pick up items dropped on the ground.
People usually regard it as rude to do that stuff without permission though.
Personally I feel like none of those things are a requirement though, I've seen and visited people's towns that they've just opened up for fun.
But I'll add meteor showers to the list, I've yet to see one in my own town so having others share theirs with me has been my only way for getting star fragments.
Also visiting Kicks or Label when they visit in the plaza. Too bad visitors can't sell fish to C. j. or bugs to Flick (also no models for visitors).

Visiting other people's islands is also a great way to get inspiration for your own island. I saw some cool double waterfall deals and layout designs.