What do You Collect the Most?


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2008
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Pear (Fruit)
Hey people, this poll is to see what you have most of, or what you spend most of your time getting. Post here what you collect more...
well i just chose paintings because i thought i could only pick 1 thing, but as i hit enter i saw i could have chosen 3, lol. to revise my vote, it would be paintings, furniture, and fossils... want a full museum and the entire set of... EVERYTHING!
I chose fossils, paintings, and other. Other = Bugs/Fish. I am determined to fill my museum. It's one of the few things I've yet to accomplish in any AC game.
honestly, all of them except for shells... unless i needed a scallop!

i like collecting everything else, but even though i collect gyroids i don't like them. ^_^
Nedrian said:
well i just chose paintings because i thought i could only pick 1 thing, but as i hit enter i saw i could have chosen 3, lol. to revise my vote, it would be paintings, furniture, and fossils... want a full museum and the entire set of... EVERYTHING!
Oshi, thats exactly what I chose.
Funiture, Clothes, And Tools

I Collect Mostly Tools.
Well i can't really choose bugs/fish at this time of year, thats a summer thing, i've caught every winter bug/fish there is :(
I chose gyroids, fossils and cloaths mainly headgear and accesories,
Fossils because i love the fossil section of the museum, and get exited when i only need 1 more dinosaur piece
Accesories because i love changing my look
And gyroids because, have you ever drempt that you owned a real life gyroid...well i drempt i was collage roomates with one, a dream that re-occured about 10 days in one fortnite...my mind works in misterious ways, but seriously how can you not addore gyroids?
I did collect Gyroids & Fossils & Fish in the museum, But I got bored of it, So I don't really collect anything now.