what do you do with beach rocks??


festive water baby
Oct 17, 2020
Yellow Candy
Spirit Candy: Wix
I've just recently finished decorating the main parts of my island (will probably still tweak and change things haha) which means now I'm moving on to my beaches. I've been procrastinating on them because I literally have no idea what to do with them, I've made a few little areas and I think I could probably figure out a lot of the sand parts eventually, but what has everyone done with their beach rocks?? I have a lighthouse on one but literally cannot think of anything else to put on them that wouldn't look completely out of place! (please send help)
On my main island I have one with a telescope and a zen cushion. On my second island I put a lighthouse on a big rock, but I’m not sure if I’m leaving it there. The rest of the rocks are empty because I don't like how it looks when the rocks are all cluttered with stuff.
i have a couple of decorations on mine



the last one is a work in progress but i get really inspired by other people's islands i see on pinterest ♡

things u get from cj looks really nice near the ocean so maybe use those 😁
While I think there are great ideas for decorating beach rocks out there (with some lovely examples above), I don't think it is necessary, or personally decorate mine. Besides...I like undecorated beaches irl. So I think if you don't have any ideas that seem natural to you for your island they are fine as is.
I do like the more natural ideas, like the horseshoe crab and seaweed idea above, especially if you have tide pool rocks. i once saw a very adorable little marine biology lab/display, which I love.
I have a pink and white cafe on the upper right rock. I call it lovers lane.
The upper left rock is part of my retro beach cafe. It has a band, and a small seating area.
The other rocks in my town are really small. Not much room to really do anything. One has a helicopter toy on it. I just put it there temporarily.
I have a lighthouse on one and a painting area next to it! on one of my little ones I have just an anchor statue, and I'm starting to work on a DJ/party area on another one.
I'm a big fan of stripped log stakes and benches on the beach. Makes it look like driftwood. Also i put some wind turbines on my rocks. Dont forget you can put fences and patterns on rocks too.
Not sure about the rocks but my wife put a couple of loungers, a fire, table, picnic basket, and a couple of towels on the beach. Looked real cute. Not sure about during winter tho. :unsure:
I have a fishing area (Seaweed, diving creatures, fishing rod stand), sauna and pirate themed area on my rocks. There is alot you can do with them!
i made mine into themed sitting areas, so one has the shell furniture and another is star and moon themed for celeste.
I'm a big fan of stripped log stakes and benches on the beach. Makes it look like driftwood. Also i put some wind turbines on my rocks. Dont forget you can put fences and patterns on rocks too.
I’ll have to remember this when I remake my beaches.

As for what I do with my rocks, I have them covered by spider crabs on my western beaches and it will probably be overrun by flamingos on the eastern beaches.
I'll show off what I did with my beach rocks to maybe provide some ideas or inspiration.

I have the rocks on the back of my island mostly fully decorated. On the back left rock I have an onsen, on the back right I have pirate themed decorations. On the left and right sides of my island I have two more big flat rocks that I am not sure what to do with. One I might just place a bench/ lookout area on (currently a rock full of teddy bears), the other maybe just a lighthouse (currently has a stone table and chairs).

Pics of my beach rocks:

What you could/should do with your rocks will depend a lot on the size of the rocks as well as the theme of the surrounding areas and/or the overall theme of your island.
My rocks are barren right now and I might keep it that way as I like my eyes to rest a bit since my middle area of the island has a lot going on.

I made some barnacle designs and scattered them on the rocks.

Sorry I don't mean to advertise my work but I have no picture other than this! These are ugly btw.
I put a telescope on one, some seaweed, ducks, and fish models on another, and set up a third one to be a concert stage (microphone, electric guitar, drum set so far). I've seen people turn them into study/research and cafe areas and both look great!
Most of my rocks are undecorated for now. I have a star gazing area it the back near my museum. I had a romantic dinner set up at some point.

i have a couple of decorations on mine
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the last one is a work in progress but i get really inspired by other people's islands i see on pinterest ♡

things u get from cj looks really nice near the ocean so maybe use those 😁

I love the setup with the chessboard and the thinker statues. I might have to do that myself on my island somewhere
The left side of my beach rocks is a pirates area with treasure chests and a whole dead pirate crew. On the right side I have a light house and Rockpool spa with candles lined up