What do you do with your bells?

I gotta house so.....and its pretty small....so.....SHOPPING SPREE no I give it to Nook for my house.
I basically do everything with it but most of the time I just let it sit in my inventory until I have a reason to use it. :D
I save my bells. There isn't a feeling better than knowing that you have millions of bells in your account.
Right now, I'm going to go get the bridge,
Then I'm going to finish my mortgage, Then Fountain. Then Lighthouse :D
bdubs2594 said:
I save my bells. There isn't a feeling better than knowing that you have millions of bells in your account.
Millions, huh? I wonder what that feels like.. I was kind of proud I earned a few thousand
I will save it, then when a point special comes up I spend like mad!
I'm also saving up for town fund and my last debt.
xYoh said:
town fund i already payed all my debt
man! how many people on here have actually paid off all their debt?!? am i the only person that hasn't? sorry, but im just a little jealous.
I've paid off all my debt! Now I'm saving my Bells for a rainy day or if I need to buy furniture and such or things for my town =P