what do you think the most "medieval/fantasy" fruit and flower is?

what do you think the most "medieval/fantasy" fruit and flower is???

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May 2, 2020
Peach (Fruit)
im gonna remake my town into a medieval/fantasy island!! dungeons and dragons kinda setting
what do you guy think the best fruit+flower combo would be??? im leaning towards pears or apples & pansies!!
Apples and imo: roses look the most like that theme, but I chose tulips. Everyone's opinion is different and you may not like roses.
Apples and imo: roses look the most like that theme, but I chose tulips. Everyone's opinion is different and you may not like roses.
i actually just forgot to put roses ksjdhfks
I'd say apples and roses as well. I can think of plenty of medieval imagery and folktale depicting the two.
im gonna remake my town into a medieval/fantasy island!! dungeons and dragons kinda setting
what do you guy think the best fruit+flower combo would be??? im leaning towards pears or apples & pansies!!

Roses and oranges. Roses is missing from your poll btw.

Roses make me think of Arthuriana and other sort of medieval things, and fairy tales like Beauty & the Beast.

Oranges because they were rarer so a luxury item. I'd say pears are second-most medieval in my mind.
i voted for lilies on the poll but i'd say that honestly roses would fit the best. also another vote for apples!
yeah sorry everyone!! was going off the top of my head and forgot roses
ive noted that theyre a big vote though!!!
Apples for fruit. But I think flowers can be up to a wider interpretation. The only flower I (personally) feel doesn't work so well with this theme would be tulips. I think that mums, pansies, windflowers, or hyacinths would work for more wild, forested areas lilies and roses perhaps a little less so, though I think they would still be good for the theme. I think anything could work depending on how you use them.