My dad has no idea how to use a computer. He thinks the internet is this magic and complicated thing that should be impossible, yet isn't, and it makes people's lives better if they know how to use it. Basically, the internet is a miracle.
My mom is more paranoid. She knows how to use the internet very well. Probably better than I do. But she hates it. She says that Google is working with the government to track us at all times, steal and sell our information, and basically create a Big Brother type society (from the book 1984, not the TV show).
I agree more with my mom. It has been proven that Google, among other companies, buy and sell your information among marketing companies. I learned this in my marketing courses in college. And the government HAS used the internet to track people. Sometimes for good reasons, sometimes for bad. And there are people who do horrible things through the internet. But overall, I think it's a good place, with good people. And it's a wonderful communications and educational tool.
Well my dad works with computers and stuff so naturally he uses it everyday lol. He's still a bit 'wtf' towards me though whenever I get on and he sees it because I don't have a ****ing clue why but yeee.
My mom is like, "yay you can watch re-runs online on those 'play' channels" while also complaining about doing bank errands there heh.