What don't you care about in AC?


“Assorted” Collector
Sep 9, 2014
Palm City
Green Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Snowflake Glow Wand
Yule Log
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
We may all like this game or not, but we can't care about everything. There are some things we care more about than others in AC. If there's any feature you don't use too often or care little about, you can post here and share your thoughts.

Even if the main focus is about animals, I don't really care too much about the villagers. I have favorites, but I am pretty careless over villagers. I'm more for decorating my town, my houses, completing the museum, and collecting items. Another thing I care less for is letter writing.
I don't care for permanent pwps... As in the campsite, police station, Resetti, and cafe. I have none in my town ^^;

It's not that I don't want them though, I'm just so ridiculously indecisive and I know I'd regret the placement the moment it's built. It's much easier not having them than obsessing about wrong placements later :p
I personally am not big on making my town theme related like others do or house decorating. I'm more about talking to my villagers and landscaping along with fishing/bug catching etc. My house is pretty barren and still not fully upgraded even though i have the funds to fully upgrade it. I wish i had the motivation to really work on it though
I don't care so much about collecting items for the catalog that I know I won't use. I know some people are obsessive about buying every item that shows up in T&T's then reselling just so they have the item cataloged, but if I don't already want an item, I'm not going to buy it.
Writing letters. I wrote a bunch one day to get one of the badges but once I get the other two badges for it I doubt I'll ever do it again. Apart from that I'm into most features. I don't use the dream suite much (if at all) so that's likely another one.
I don't care much about completing my museum. I also don't care too much about having a specific theme for my whole town. I have different themes in the rooms of my houses, but overall I just want my town to look 'nice'. Other than going for all cats in my second town, I don't care much for themes.
I don't particularly care which villagers I get or where they plot. I probably won't bother too much with the Dream Suite once I've got the golden badge for it, either. It's interesting to check out certain towns from time to time, but I'd rather just focus on my own.
I don't care about cataloging items, I just buy the things I want. And I don't have much of a theme for my house, I just mix and match items I think are cute!
I don't care about the island. My main town's mayor hasn't been there in months and I don't think any of my other mayors ever have. I don't need to beetle hunt and I really don't like earning medals... I'd rather just buy the island items I want here.
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... Playing with other people I think? But that applies to pretty much every game that has a multiplayer feature for me.

I really enjoy everything else.
I really don't care about where plots go. I don't bother plot resetting and such because frankly I don't care. I can manage to work around things, and don't care if one of my hybrids are destroyed. Though, for example, I do find fauna moving super close to Cole annoying, I'm not going to have a fit about it or anything. So yea, I don't care about where people move in.
i really don't care about writing letters.
when i first got the game, which was three months ago, i wrote tons of letters and now i don't.
i also don't really care for beetle hunting anymore or the island in general as it's more time consuming and doesn't make as much as turnip farming does. i also have neglected in donating things to my museum (especially with art).
Digging up fossils. Once I was done I dug up four fossils and the pitfall seed. Than took them to the beach and buried them in a corner. No more digging up a hybrid when the shovel moves the wrong way at the last second.
Badges. I like the idea of them, I just think some of the requirements are overkill and busy work. They should've made more badges and made them easier to obtain.
Like a few other people have said, I don't care at all about cataloguing. I don't buy furniture or clothes unless I actually like them in the first place.