Do you care what others think about you?

To a certain degree I suppose, but I never actively change or conform for anyone. If someone doesn't like me, oh well. I follow my own morals and do my best to upkeep them. I help people, give kindness and generosity to others not because I want them to think differently of me, but because it's the right thing to do. I won't go out of my way to give that to others who I don't think are worthy of it. Some people can just suck. People will always judge, sometimes harshly. It's not my job to change their outlook. Life is too short and I do my own thing, but I will always welcome others into my life with open arms.
Not really. I've always done my own thing. It usually comes to things like interests though, when I see more people at odds with me. However, not even that bothers me. I liked anime at a time when anime was for "nerds" so to speak (late 90s, early 00's). Its very popular now and I still like it even though I don't watch a lot of it like I used to in the past. All I need to be is me 🐍
I was just thinking earlier that I, quite literally, never pay any mind to what people think about me. once in a long while I'll think about something like, "I wonder what people think when they see me wearing long sleeves and it's 80°F+ outside lol", but truthfully I just don't think about what others think of me at all. I do my own thing and I'm confident in who I am. 😌
No honestly I admire and respect some people and if they like me then I am honoured. I have one real life friend who is so amazing and I don’t honestly know why we are friends as everyone wanted to know her. She is just my rock and I love her like family.

Online I have a few people who I love like family. I won’t embarrass them but they will never get rid of me 🫶💜💜