Do you care what others think about you?

To a certain degree I suppose, but I never actively change or conform for anyone. If someone doesn't like me, oh well. I follow my own morals and do my best to upkeep them. I help people, give kindness and generosity to others not because I want them to think differently of me, but because it's the right thing to do. I won't go out of my way to give that to others who I don't think are worthy of it. Some people can just suck. People will always judge, sometimes harshly. It's not my job to change their outlook. Life is too short and I do my own thing, but I will always welcome others into my life with open arms.
Not really. I've always done my own thing. It usually comes to things like interests though, when I see more people at odds with me. However, not even that bothers me. I liked anime at a time when anime was for "nerds" so to speak (late 90s, early 00's). Its very popular now and I still like it even though I don't watch a lot of it like I used to in the past. All I need to be is me 🐍
I was just thinking earlier that I, quite literally, never pay any mind to what people think about me. once in a long while I'll think about something like, "I wonder what people think when they see me wearing long sleeves and it's 80°F+ outside lol", but truthfully I just don't think about what others think of me at all. I do my own thing and I'm confident in who I am. 😌
No honestly I admire and respect some people and if they like me then I am honoured. I have one real life friend who is so amazing and I don’t honestly know why we are friends as everyone wanted to know her. She is just my rock and I love her like family.

Online I have a few people who I love like family. I won’t embarrass them but they will never get rid of me 🫶💜💜
no but also yes

strangers? not really. my friends? YEAH I CARE A LOT
I care too much about what other people think about me, or could think about me. They say as you get older you stop caring so much about what others think, but I don't think I ever will achieve that.
I care so much about whatever people think about me, as I have been judged, mocked, criticized, and ridiculed for no reason.
Because of this, I have trust issues.
No, I gave up a long time ago. I've been called weird since a baby by my own relatives and it got worse when I started school, where I got bullied for no reason and called an alien, even the teachers ostracized me and made negative comments about everything... At first, I tried to be like others kids, but I didn't know how, so I just copied them, but I was very bad at it 😅 I gave up, anyway it made me unhappy. Now I'm fine with people not thinking much about me, it makes my life easier since they have zero expectations 😄 They just let me alone. I still wear a mask though and hide things (like hobbies), but not because I care what they could think about me, I just don't want them to pee on everything I like and ruin my fun. I also have no energy to explain why I like some things with people who don't care and just want to mess with me.
I will give one of the most selfish answers here and I don’t care. It 100% depends on who I’m talking to and the surrounding context.

If I’m talking with people I really don’t see myself running into again or people who are complete strangers to me, no I don’t care. I give them a basic level of respect/patience and respond in kind to their actions. I don’t judge strangers at the shops unless they’re doing something that affects surrounding people (being a little awkward or bumping into something is not that, everyone is awkward), and online I don’t really like to hide my annoyance anymore, so it either comes out or I dip.
When I say strangers I don’t mean just in the sense of this site or a big forum or server where I don’t know everyone, I mean people or a community I don’t care for yet. It’s pretty easy for me to tell what kind of community I can gel with and what kind of habits I can tolerate, and most people don’t hit the mark. I used to give those kinds of people many chances and I had too many bad experiences.

I don’t actively try to act like a jerk but I really blatantly don’t care then. It’s something to reflect on and I admit a shortcoming if it affects friends of friends. It also gets worse during times of stress. I’m sure it helped divide the friendship with someone I used to know, and I know it separated me from certain other people, but in retrospect I don’t like those people anyway. Like Chris said they’re not people I want to associate with anyway and sometimes it takes that honest frustration to realise. I miss having more to do but I really don’t miss them as people, in fact I think my life is better without them. Sometimes I was guilt tripped for things, apologised, and the person getting the apology didn’t even remember me. Sometimes I’d call out hypocrisy and get the most hollow response only to get degraded. And you know what? At one point I did care about those people, and I cared about how they saw me because I looked up to many of them, and I want the people I’m close to and care about to respect me as an adult rather than belittle me.

When it’s on this website or with someone I care about it’s not that I try to manipulate and look good but I at least want to contribute something good and give a more positive attitude, or more thought in my answers like this, even when they’re negative. It’s because I actually feel somewhat appreciated and welcome in this space. Gotta agree with Cpt Jig here sbout the ableist experiences as well. Honestly from this point on I’m just not going to tell people I meet that I’m autistic unless I really trust them and think it can help them.