What ethnicity are you?

European mixed with Native American (Mexican) lol I have also been told I look Iranian, Spanish or Armenian at different times of my life lol
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The one I associate myself with the most is Dutch. I'm a quarter Dutch because of my grandfather. None of my other relatives really talked about their heritage much, but I think I remember my mom mentioning something about being part French-Canadian many years ago. It would make sense with her family's names. Other than that, I don't know.
I'm Dutch... I think?

Actually I'm not 100% sure but all my relatives come from The Netherlands. I do have family living abroad but they also came from The Netherlands originally so it seems like it.
Polish, as far as I know. I’m sure there’s something else sprinkled in, and maybe I’ll find out one day what that is haha
My mom's part of the family is Ukrainian I'd say, so they can all talk Russian and we eat traditionnal cakes and food for easter and christmas for example (spoiler: it's hecking disgusting).
Also my great grandfather (mom side) comes from Armenia... he went to France to escape from the Armenian genocide. And my great grandmother (mom side too) comes from Sardinia.
The ukrainian origins come from my grandfather (mom side) who's from a noble ukrainian family. So we all kinda followed his culture even though we don't talk with him anymore today.
But I mean apart from my parents nothing much, I'm just french kinda. I Just have my origins.
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I'm an American mutt. Pretty much all Cajun French on my mom's side (with some swarthiness thrown in might be Creole, but we're not sure). Then on my dad's side I'm Lebanese Arab, Cajun, Spanish, and Italian. Mostly Lebanese and Cajun at tho. I definitely have been told that I look "foreign" even tho all I see is someone with high cheekbones and a nice tan, lol.
I'm mostly bajan and jamaican, but also a quarter irish because of my grandmother on my mother's side. Nationality wise, i'm british.
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I'm American but I know heritage-wise, I'm a mix of English, Scottish, Welsh, French, and German. There's probably more but I forget. I'm pretty certain I'm just one big western European mix though.
I'm a 100% Filipino from my parents, but I was born and grew up in Canada. But apparently, my grandfather's father was a German.
I identify as Latina. My parents both grew up in the same city in Mexico that my grandparents were raised. My parents eventually moved to the US and made my siblings and I. Heritage wise, I don't know anything past my grandparents' generation.

One of my sisters took a DNA test and got 50% Native American from Central and Southern Mexico, 24% Spanish (that's expected), and everything else is between the 1% and 5% range. That's odd because both of siblings and Dad look more Armenian than Mexican.:confused:
im part german and french (since my ancestors on my dad side are from Alsace-Lorraine) and have some english and irish in me
I'm half French on my dad's side and my mom's side is European Mystery. Pretty sure my mom's side is mostly swedish/polish/scottish but who knows