What fruit do you prefer?

Peaches but I like them all. Although the perfect oranges are a little weird since they look like pears.
Although peaches are my favorite fruit irl, I went for apples. Partly because of how nice perfect apples look, but most because my four other friends have the other native fruits and we wanted to have all five among us ;;;;

All dat resetting tho
i wanted apples
but i settled with peaches

perf apples > perf peaches
they look like candy apples while perfect peaches is just boring golden
Cherries were my first native, back in WW. I'd have to say I'm partial to them, but I also enjoy apples as they are my native now. ^^
i have pears in my town but I want cherries ;; I have some cherries but still, woulda been better if they were my fruit. ;o i'm not too fussy though, i like all the fruits tbh
Peaches although I get them waaaay too much.
Glad I got Pears for once since I wanted them xD
I really kind of like cherries there my fav. food in RL. So I'm super excited ot have some in my town.
The perfect apples look delicious but I found an awesome map with native peaches so I settled for that.
Apples! I wanted them in my town, but Fauna was in my town so I settled for cherries. I don't mind, though c:
I like peaches (and perfect peaches), I think they look so soft and juicy and I love the colour! I was pleased when I got them as my local fruit ^^
Apples for life!They are also my favorite fruit IRL as well :D.Settling with peaches though in my town.
I have cherries, want peaches, but apples look the nicest 'perfect fruit' trees wise. So I think I'll go with apples in my next town and just have orchards of peaches. tumblr_inline_mzwnv6AQbE1rw12xc.gif
I like peaches because they look very cute in the game. Also, I like cherries. Right now I have cherries but in my previous town I had peaches. c:
Apples, I hate all the other fruits.