What happened in your town today?

Fauna moved in today! I'm so happy, three dreamies to gooooo! ^^ I also layed down some new water paths. Wolfgang has decided to me (if anyone wants him let me know! or i will just void him)

Again, you can't transfer villagers in Wild World. When Wolfgang leaves, he leaves. Someone else will move in within a few days.
Well, Fauna was introduced in NL, which means they were talking about that game.

Yesterday I met Shrunk, but I didn't get any new emotions from him.
Today Lily caught a cold, too bad the shop was already closed when I logged in :(
Picked up ACNL after a month about two days ago... Lost my dreamie Muffy and Rod moved in :/ on the area for my perfect fruit. Ugh.

But, my boyfriend started playing on my other cartridge! He got a town with a Cherries, all the villagers in a compact area, the retail/town hall/event center all shoved up by the station, AND his absolutely favorite villager Lucky! What luck, right??
Picked up ACNL after a month about two days ago... Lost my dreamie Muffy and Rod moved in :/ on the area for my perfect fruit. Ugh.

But, my boyfriend started playing on my other cartridge! He got a town with a Cherries, all the villagers in a compact area, the retail/town hall/event center all shoved up by the station, AND his absolutely favorite villager Lucky! What luck, right??

You are far from being the first to talk about ACNL in the ACWW section.
Aww, I liked seeing you post.

I haven't played today, but I'm going to see K.K. like I do every Saturday. I already did this in GCN and CF, now I just need to do it in WW.

I bet Tiffany is still sick. Too bad, she's a nice snooty.
This is all that's really keeping the Wild World section of the forums alive though. Kind of sad, really. Hmm... I'll make a rather pointless thread later today.

But what's the point of this thread if half the people who wander in post about New Leaf? :( I love Wild World and I'll try to come up with some thread ideas from time to time.
But what's the point of this thread if half the people who wander in post about New Leaf? :( I love Wild World and I'll try to come up with some thread ideas from time to time.

Yeah, I know. Not sure how on earth people work there way here without realising what they clicked on is clearly labelled "Wild World". Maybe got here from Google or something? :p