What happened to your previous turnips?

If I'm being honest... I farted way too hard and they all blew away :/
i miss my first turnip. it disappeared suddenly. i changed it a couple times and settled for this sperm-lemon-shaped turnip
Mine was pineapple shaped with bloodstained eyes and a theethy mouth, if anyone sees him lmk (although I don’t want him I like my new one better lol)
I think my original one evolved into the one @Franny has now.
through rock and soil and time evolution has completed root vegetable process annihilating previous forms to rebirth as anew ❤️ fresh turnip waters enter veins through non fungible turnip assets live and legally
through rock and soil and time evolution has completed root vegetable process annihilating previous forms to rebirth as anew ❤️ fresh turnip waters enter veins through non fungible turnip assets live and legally
please continue speaking satoshi language it speaks to my soul
please continue speaking satoshi language it speaks to my soul
satoshi fans previously accessible through biometric means LIVE and legally through amitotic fluids only available in turnip and root vegetable type cells for fans and fans of fans ❤️