F1 fan who loves onions
Gone. Reduced to atoms.
a shell of its former selfGone. Reduced to atoms.
how does a turnip blow away lmaoIf I'm being honest... I farted way too hard and they all blew away :/
It just did :/ Flew right out of my pocket into the does a turnip blow away lmao
this post wins + im immatureIf I'm being honest... I farted way too hard and they all blew away :/
MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NFT69 has been stolen. At least I got someone’s son now
through rock and soil and time evolution has completed root vegetable process annihilating previous forms to rebirth as anewI think my original one evolved into the one @Franny has now.
please continue speaking satoshi language it speaks to my soulthrough rock and soil and time evolution has completed root vegetable process annihilating previous forms to rebirth as anewfresh turnip waters enter veins through non fungible turnip assets live and legally
satoshi fans previously accessible through biometric means LIVE and legally through amitotic fluids only available in turnip and root vegetable type cells for fans and fans of fansplease continue speaking satoshi language it speaks to my soul
I agreesatoshi fans previously accessible through biometric means LIVE and legally through amitotic fluids only available in turnip and root vegetable type cells for fans and fans of fans![]()