What Happens If You Microwave…? A forum game about microwaves

The trees will uproot themselves and come after you.

What happens if you microwave the red MnM from the commercials?
You hear lots of screaming.

What happens if you microwave... me? I've already answered that 3 times but I'll ask anyway.
You finally expose the person wearing the Zipper suit. The person's name is *redacted*

What happens if you microwave a censor bleep?
The microwave makes a horribly loud and high pitched sound.

What happens if you microwave already cooked popcorn?
You get Dodo Airlines!

What happens if you microwave Sonic 06?
Even more glitches appear in the game and it becomes nightmare fuel.

What happens if you microwave Cosmog? 👀
It evolves straight into Solgaleo somehow and everything explodes.

What happens if you microwave a scarf?
Then the sound quality is the equivalent to nails on a chalkboard.

What happens if you microwave a battery?