What Happens If You Microwave…? A forum game about microwaves

The MyPillow sales guy hunts you down to the ends of the Earth.

What happens if I microwave the tears of a child?
They turn into a solid, becoming less watery and sad.

What happens if i microwave a battery?
Well then, your microwave proceeds to blend them all together somehow, even though it's not a blender. Huh.

What happens if I microwave a dog?
it turns into a hot dog, Somehow. . . ?

What Happens If I Microwave A Bag Of Skittles?
the eggplant makes eggseeds and they grow on the ceiling of your microwave

what happens if i microwave a vacuum bottle that says "NO MICROWAVE" on the bottom?
It explodes, leaving a huge mess all over your microwave that is annoyingly painful to clean.

What happens if I microwave 100 lollipops?
they become purple bananas (it's a common misconception, but raisins actually aren't grapes! they're apples!)

what happens when you microwave a book?
Well, it become massive. Your house grows too.

What happens when you microwave a microwave that’s microwaving a microwave that’s microwaving a microwave etc
The universe collapses from too many microwaves being microwaved

What happens when you Microwave a Blue Eyes White Dragon
You get a house fire from “too much greatness” (he says with legit 3 bewds sooo)

What happens when you microwave a ziploc bag?