โœจ๐Ÿ• What Have You Been Up To? ๐Ÿ•โœจ


Despair has its own calms
Sep 2, 2017
Tasty Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Chocolate Cake
Apple (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Chocolate Cake
Famous Mushroom
Tasty Cake
Famous Mushroom
Chocolate Cake

Just as the thread title suggests! Let?s make this interactive.

What have you guys been doing today or this week in Pocket Camp? It could be building a certain amenity, collecting essences, leveling up neighbors to get their special items, decorating your campsite, trying to get a specific cookie-themed item, or more.

I?ll start with what I?ve been doing recently: PREPPING FOR THE CABIN. Haha. I?m crafting a lot of furniture items since I?m not sure what will look good once it?s up later tonight/tomorrow. I?ve also been leveling up my neighbors today! I need essences and their special items.

(Make sure to comment on each other?s updates and discuss!)

Alright, who?s next?...

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Hmm...this week I've been finishing up the fishing tourney because I wanted to get a gold trophy. I successfully earned it, so that's good. I got all the items from the tourney too, so it's win-win. I've also been going through my inventory to decide on how I'd like my cabin to look. My villager pic collection is crowding the top room of my RV, so my creativity has been a bit supressed. I can't wait for the update, decorating is going to be a lot of fun. :)
I've been buying crapload of flower seeds and doing a lot of cross-pollinating. Ive managed to get every type of hybrid flower, but lemme tell ya those blue tulips just never wanna show up (sucks too cause they're so pretty rip).

I've also been trying to get more cotton since I seem to have like 600 of everything else but only like 30 cotton lol
And trying to raise my level so I CAN GET PIETRO ALREADY HUNGGGHHHH
I'm at lv47 and he's still hiding from meeee :smad:
Did you end up reaching the horse mackerel goal?
I keep seeing people who are one-two fish away and it honestly hurts to see haha.
Did you end up reaching the horse mackerel goal?
I keep seeing people who are one-two fish away and it honestly hurts to see haha.

Nope, but it's only 5 leaf tickets so it's not a big deal lol.
I've been buying crapload of flower seeds and doing a lot of cross-pollinating. Ive managed to get every type of hybrid flower, but lemme tell ya those blue tulips just never wanna show up (sucks too cause they're so pretty rip).

I've also been trying to get more cotton since I seem to have like 600 of everything else but only like 30 cotton lol
And trying to raise my level so I CAN GET PIETRO ALREADY HUNGGGHHHH
I'm at lv47 and he's still hiding from meeee :smad:

Haha, Iโ€™m glad you like Pietro because I donโ€™t. I got him around lvl50-lvl60ish. And Iโ€™m the same way with the freaking cottoooonnn! I use it up SO much. ;-;

- - - Post Merge - - -

Nope, but it's only 5 leaf tickets so it's not a big deal lol.

I didnโ€™t reach it either. I was about 40ish away, which was still a lot. I donโ€™t go on all hours of the night or spend my leaf tickets on the nets, so I figured it was too difficult for me to achieve.
ThatOneMarshalFangirl, MorinoKirii
I don't remember how much the nets/rods are, but I suppose it would defeat the purpose if you bought to make it for a few of the ticket rewards. It's cool seeing people achieve them without. :)
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I got all the rewards without the rod(80LT) or extra nets(20LT) but it was close I got the last 2 I needed in the last round...
Well see I don't use a whole lot of cotton, i just never seem to get any lol

Ohh, haha. Yeah, I guess thatโ€™s why. I also donโ€™t get very much cotton from neighbors in general, so when I stockpile enough I use it all up. Lol.
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failing the fishing tourney and leveling characters i guess. and wishing more civic characters would show up.
I'm just glad I'll be able to host the animals I only invited to my camp in order to receive their special items to craft (and then kicked them out), now I can finally max their level too lol.

Time to put some use for this thousands of event/prizes items I have. Not as excited to furniture my cabin because I still don't know what to do with it, but anyway.
I'm curious to see my friend's profile pictures, so far I was the only one who updated it :(
I had a spending spree and used up all my leaf tickets on fortune cookie bundles in case my phone wouldn't run the app after the update. It felt very satisfying to spend them all haha!
I have been trying to craft all the amenities so I can unlock all of them. I have been trying to get all the animals to max friendship level. I have been saving leaf tickets to buy the fireworks sky. I just started Jingle's Holly Jolly Roundup garden event. I have been crafting furniture for the cabin. I have been trying to complete all the daily and event goals.
Letโ€™s see...Iโ€™ve been decorating my cabin with Christmas items from last year, inviting my favorite cuties, and just recently started the gardening event.
Finally decided to start levelling up again after several months. I think I'll at least get to 100 this time before getting bored of it and giving up on trying to level up again.
i've spent this past week completing daily goals & participating in the toy day events! as boring as it sounds, i love doing it lol
i actually haven't been playing pocket camp all that much, but recently for some reason i've had this urge to play it, so i'm getting into it again, playing daily and loving it lmao
I have invited all the animals to my campsite! FINALLY :D