✨🏕 What Have You Been Up To? 🏕✨

I’ve been finishing up the fishing tourney. It’s been pretty easy with the gold rod, and I finally got the Nooklings snowman today. :)
Suffering while trying to get the Nooklings snowman. Of course it's THE LAST FREAKING ITEM. This is why I hate fishing tourneys in general.
Just got the Nooklings snowman and got my final camper expansion! Not even bothering to pay the loan.
Lmao I'm never paying my last loan off

Yeah there's no real point to it. I paid it off just because and nothing happened at all. It was mildly disappointing even though it was kind of expected. They should really give you something as an incentive for paying off all the loans. On the original AC you'd get a statue for paying off your loans.
Yeah there's no real point to it. I paid it off just because and nothing happened at all. It was mildly disappointing even though it was kind of expected. They should really give you something as an incentive for paying off all the loans. On the original AC you'd get a statue for paying off your loans.

I paid mine off since I had bells to spare for it. I knew you don’t get anything, but it’s kind of whatever (I also wish we got a gift for paying off the entire loan).


This week I was finishing the first-half of the garden event and am now just harvesting purple peonies to trade in for prizes. I’ve stocked up on flower food so I can blow through the second-half of the event pretty quickly, haha.
Most recent update has been rearranging my campsite, with new items that I didn't even know I had added. I've been keeping up with crafting amenities and levelling them up to max too, while also inviting more animals to camp.

Not too impressed by the gardening event. The more flowers I seem to plant, the less of a chance of actually catching a creature. Feels to be a waste of time after the first round or two when my chances of capturing were higher. Still, I need those snowballs and I'm not quitting!

Nearly at the half way mark to receiving those 20 gorgeous leaf tickets :cool:
My mom got me an iPhone 8, so I can play Pocket Camp now! I have my character all set up and I need to get materials for Isabelle so she can arrange a natural-themed campsite. I need to get some sleep soon, so that's where I'm stopping for now.

Edit: And I'm back on. 8) Any tips/advice would be appreciated!
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