• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

What I planned on writing (and why I didn't write them)


Old > New
Sep 9, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Palm City
Flower Glow Wand
Cool Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Yule Log
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Tetris Grid
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
I came up with several ideas to write on my blog, but I decided not to write them. I enjoy blogging on this site, but there are some entries that I can't write. Not that they are against the rules, but a lot of these are political entries. I can write anything I want, but I promised not to bring up politics on this blog. Not anymore. The one on the National Anthem Protests was the last one. My main issue on that entry is about being respectful, including keeping politics out of everything it doesn't need to be in (i.e. sports, Hollywood, holidays). Everything else, I shouldn't write about.

Here's what I planned for this blog, what they were about, and why I didn't write them:

  • The Wedding Cake Wars
    • What it's about - the entry is about an impending SCOTUS ruling on if religious bakeries and floral shops have the right to refuse service. I planned on writing an objective review on it about why the court was right and why they're wrong at the same time (whoever wins the case). I wanted to point out that people should have the right to refuse service as long as it's not hateful discrimination, but discrimination against LGBT people is not "religious liberty".
    • Why I chose not to write it - someone has warned me not to write this. It is a sensitive issue. There are members on this forum that are extremely biased, and hateful of those who disagree with them. They are very passionate about this, and they would go insane if I write this, even if I remain objective. Honestly, this is one of the issues that I would not take sides on, but some have the mentality that if you're not with them, you're against them. And if you're against them on issues they are passionate about, they will resort to bullying and defend their behavior by claiming that it's not bullying. Fortunately, the site rules forbid this kind of behavior, but the people I'm talking about don't care about the rules either. Warnings, infractions, and suspensions won't change their behavior, so this entry won't be appearing on this blog.
  • Political Correctness
    • What it's about - the entry is supposed to point out that it may be common decency, but when forced on someone else, it becomes a human rights violation. Sure that we have the freedom of speech, but it doesn't protect speech in workplaces (like when Damore got fired for denying gender discrimination in the tech industry) or schools (like when five students got suspended for wearing American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo). I also wanted to mention that political correctness has gotten worse over time, it's bad for the economy and education, and the idea in general is ridiculous.
    • Why I chose not to write it - although I would make perfect sense if I written it, it's considered a political entry, and if I written it, I would've violated my promises on not writing anymore political entries. Not only that, but this is one issue I cannot write without showing 100% bias. I can write political entries while being two-sided and without showing bias (even on universal healthcare), but I can't for political correctness.
  • Anything about socialized medicine
    • What it's about - there are several entries on the healthcare issue, but I decided to group it into one detail. I wanted to explain that I'm all for capitalistic healthcare. I support repealing Obamacare without replacement, but I would rather keep it instead of adapting to universal healthcare. Other things I would say is that I'm pro-business, pro-freedom of business, nothing is a right if you're given it, needs aren't the same as rights, and the problems of free healthcare (such as healthcare waiting times and doctors being capped out).
    • Why I chose not to write it - again, any entry about it are political entries, and I would violate my promises if I written them. Even if healthcare is not as controversial as racial issues or LGBT issues, it's still a political topic. But here's a question I would ask. Is it true that those who are against free healthcare considered "uneducated"? Does education make you really support it more? I know why it's such a bad idea, and I can explain them without defending the rich, but opponents of universal healthcare are mocked for being "uneducated", which is both rude and intolerant. But I can say this much. It's true that those who are intolerant of other groups appear to be less educated.
  • The Civil Rights Act
    • What it's about - the entry is about suggestions of improving the Civil Rights Act. Right now, it doesn't protect people based on sexual orientation or on political opinions. The orginal act protected people based on race (color, ethnicity, nationality), religion, and sex, but it doesn't for people based on sexual orientation or on political opinions. I can understand why it doesn't protect people based on political views back when it was written, but after seeing conservatives face discrimination in education, Hollywood, and social media such as Facebook and Twitter, I suggest that it's time to add protections of people based on political positions as long as they don't encourage bigotry. As for sexual orientation (such as LGBT), it wasn't recognized as different back then, but it is now. So that should be protected by the Civil Rights Act as well.
    • Why I chose not to write it - again, it's a political entry. Not only that, but if I were to write it, I would point out that white people and Christians are being persecuted in America, and the people persecuting them are denying that. To say that is highly controversial, especially if I make any analogies to it. I would write the entry in reaction to Damore's firing from Google, but I choose to keep my promises and not right this.
  • Political Issue Quiz
    • What it's about - the entry is a matching quiz that's like the Egg Hunt, but it's supposed to match political issues to phrases that sound like them.
    • Why I chose not to write it - yet, it's another politics-related entry. I even saved this as a draft, but I'm not gonna publish it.
Yes, I did plan on writing all of that. It's true. I at least wanted to share some thoughts I would put on these entries if I written them, but I will never explain them in full detail. Even sharing part of the details is no different to sharing the full details, but I wanted to show that I actually planned on writing them, but decided not because I promised not to write anymore political entries, I know these will provoke backlashes, and above all, it's not the Animal Crossing way to discuss these matters on an Animal Crossing fansite.