What I would change about Main Street


Junior Member
Jan 5, 2023
I really love Main Street. I've never legitimately completed it though. Seeing the complete Main Street gave me a couple of ideas that I'd love to share with you guys and see some of your own!

  • Harriet sells hair dye and/or color contacts. These can work like clothing items except they aren consumed upon use.
  • Harriet sells a makeup kit. She can do the Mii makeup on us and then give us a kit to do it ourselves. The kit would work like the TPC at the beginning of the game where it never enters your in-game inventory. It would also help explain why we can turn into a Mii without Harriet.
  • Wigs are sold here instead of the Able Sisters and GracieGrace. It would make a lot more sense.
T&T Emporium:
  • The builing should be less flashy and blend in with Main Street more. This isn't a major one, just one that I occasionally think about time to time. The more I think about this idea, the stupider it gets.
  • Maybe a little more space for Leif. He has less room than he had in T.I.Y., but it's nothing major.
Fortune Shop:
  • The room should be rectangular since it's in a new building.
  • There should be merchandise sold that are more spiritual in nature, but I can see this going horribly wrong, so maybe not the best idea.
  • I would love if the roof became triangular after the Museum 2nd floor. It give the Museum a more Greco-Roman feel. Plus it would make more sense as to where they got room for the 2nd floor.
What do you guys think about my ideas? What ideas do you have?
I've always thought the flashy look of T&T emporium was because of Gracie and the sheer opulence of her and her brand lol like she only agreed to join forces if she got final say on the design of the building.
I would have liked the museum to have another upgrade for the observatory with celeste allowing you to stargaze and create constellations after like 8pm or something; maybe include exclusive events for it such as a way to view meteor showers through the telescope
One thing I would add to the Shampoodle category is the ability to change your hair AND eye color in the same day.
I like your ideas! It's always fun to be creative and come up with stuff that we wish was in our favorite games!

I would have loved if they included the fountain from the concept art but I get why they cut it due to similarities to the city from City Folk.

I like your ideas! It's always fun to be creative and come up with stuff that we wish was in our favorite games!

I would have loved if they included the fountain from the concept art but I get why they cut it due to similarities to the city from City Folk.

Never saw that concept art before. Thanks for sharing, it's really beautiful!
I like your ideas! It's always fun to be creative and come up with stuff that we wish was in our favorite games!

I would have loved if they included the fountain from the concept art but I get why they cut it due to similarities to the city from City Folk.

I’m not gonna lie, but I love the concept art shown in your post, and the early footage of New Leaf when it was revealed back in 2010 a lot better than to what we have now. It made it look more futuristic and having the cartoony style going for it.

(Honestly, I wish the beta of New Leaf was uncovered, so I could see more of what New Leaf was before)
I think it would be super cool if when T$T Emporium opened up, all the other shops got a little flashier too! Like keeping up with the times almost lol
I always thought having leif move in to t&t emporium was a mistake, his little greenhouse shop was so cute and smol, maybe a less flashy t&t final building and a more toned down 3 floor with an seperate leif shop in its own building, or even its own greenhouse room off the building itself.
I wish they didn't refer to Timmy and Tommy as Timothy and Thomas after you get T&T Emporium. Idk it's just so freaky to me 💀
I really love Main Street. I've never legitimately completed it though. Seeing the complete Main Street gave me a couple of ideas that I'd love to share with you guys and see some of your own!

  • Harriet sells hair dye and/or color contacts. These can work like clothing items except they aren consumed upon use.
  • Harriet sells a makeup kit. She can do the Mii makeup on us and then give us a kit to do it ourselves. The kit would work like the TPC at the beginning of the game where it never enters your in-game inventory. It would also help explain why we can turn into a Mii without Harriet.
  • Wigs are sold here instead of the Able Sisters and GracieGrace. It would make a lot more sense.
T&T Emporium:
  • The builing should be less flashy and blend in with Main Street more. This isn't a major one, just one that I occasionally think about time to time. The more I think about this idea, the stupider it gets.
  • Maybe a little more space for Leif. He has less room than he had in T.I.Y., but it's nothing major.
Fortune Shop:
  • The room should be rectangular since it's in a new building.
  • There should be merchandise sold that are more spiritual in nature, but I can see this going horribly wrong, so maybe not the best idea.
  • I would love if the roof became triangular after the Museum 2nd floor. It give the Museum a more Greco-Roman feel. Plus it would make more sense as to where they got room for the 2nd floor.
What do you guys think about my ideas? What ideas do you have?
I 100% agree with you! Your ideas are great