What if...

I'd sit in one spot until someone kicked me.

What if you were stuck in a room with only a small, lightweight, porous ball for all eternity?
juju246 said:
i would steal it for no reason

what if i knew where you lived?

Your a murderer and deserve to go to jail.

What if I ate your sock while on top of your house on a rainstorm o=
I'll be pissed of that i cant find a pair of socks, i would look out and yell "WTF ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?" =3

What if i smashed a waffle into your face with some syrup?
Bita said:
I'll be pissed of that i cant find a pair of socks, i would look out and yell "WTF ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?" =3

What if i smashed a waffle into your face with some syrup?
I'd lick my face

What if I did this?
I would Take my girlfriend, myself, equipment to live..'toys', food and find a better planet and populate it (cloning)

What if you could marry me?
tazaza said:
What if DirtyD returned?
Ah, I still talk to him to this very day, and I even referred him to this site :O .

You should find a hobby.

What if you found out you had no clothes left?