what is and isn't acceptable?

I find a majority of the people I play with don't understand that they can close the gate after someone arrives, to prevent unwanted visitors. I have to explain it to them, and then they still don't get it. They think if they close the gate the session ends. I myself dislike when people show up uninvited and to stop this, i tend to remove friend codes after I finish trades and what not.

As for the no going into someones house, the only reason i can think of is, privacy. I would love it if someone asked before the looked in my house, instead of just barging in. But thats just me.
I don't like uninvited guests, when I open my gate its for people I've invited
Yeah it really annoys me when im doing a specific trade or something, then someone random just turns up and starts running around! it stresses me out tbh, as im focusing on the trade etc, and now have to deal with someone else in the town. I never turn up to towns uninvited even if their gate is open, i just find it quite rude tbh, also when in someones town, i never run, and always wait for the person so they can see exactly where i am going :)
What is and isn't acceptable is usually user-defined. I mean, there's the stuff that's pretty much common sense, like don't steal and junk, but it all comes down to different people having different rules for their towns. I only really allow close friends to come to my town, so I have no issues with them running, buying things, playing around, or taking my flowers. Really, in my town if it's on the ground it's fair game. I don't like acting like a huge enforcer when I'm playing a game... that's what being a mod here is for. (that was sarcasm)
I don't really understand the rule about not talking to villagers. I go to my bff and partner's towns quite often, and I've spoken to their villagers a lot, and never had someone randomly move in with me - but once I went to someone else's town to pick up a single bushel of persimmons and drop some cherries off, and I left immediately without speaking to anyone, and one of their townsfolk moved in soon after. I literally didn't speak to a single villager, much less the one who moved in, so it all seems pretty random imo - but of course if someone asked me not to talk to their animals I would refrain from doing so.

I have had someone I did business with drop in randomly when I forgot to close my gates, once. It was only annoying because I had to leave soon and felt bad giving them the boot though, hahah.
The reason I don't have my gates open, almost ever, is because I have a few random people I've added through tumblr or whatnot, and while they seem nice... I don't know or trust them enough to randomly be in my town. I also have a few people that I've done trades with but I'm not sure if they're someone I knew from tumblr or not.
You can't always rely on closing the gates to keep people out, sometimes if you're doing a trade, the person you're trading with may come over slowly, and you might get an unexpected visit. I dislike that.
To me it's like... My front door is unlocked during the day, but that doesn't mean random people can just barge into my house, you know?
I know it's "just a game" but it's still a game where I, and a lot of people, have put in tons of work and time and probably frustration. I can't rely on everyone else to just be a polite, respectful person :c
I have only a few rules for when a person enters my town:
ONLY run on the path, not through flowers, and don't take flowers, especially not hybrids.
You can shake ALL the trees for fruit, (it'll grow back eventually so whatevs)

But then I had a thing happen to me yesterday, I went online with this person and because it was really late we went to my island, where he started cutting down my trees and saying that 'It was better' and I would get 'Different bugs', my answer was flipping the wifi switch (thank the nintendo gods for that), I mean, I'm not dumb, I know how to get Violin and Longhorn beetles. I hate it when people do things that have that kind of permanent effect, I deleted that person and blocked them on Twitter.

I agree to the statement that when a person's gates are open you're allowed to go visit. Although I mostly asked beforehand anyway, just to make sure I'm not bugging them.
Things that are NOT acceptable to me:

Cutting Trees

Everything else is fair game. If my gates are open it means I am HOPING people will come over. Sheesh I really need to get more friend codes.... I only WISH people would show up uninvited....
I always ask before shopping and never take fruit/flowers without permission. I never run either, even on paths.
I find it pretty weird that people can be so mean on AC, they put time and money in the game too...is it jealousy or just not having manners. (My mom raised me with saying that whatever I wanted to be treated, I should treat others like that too.)
Im personally pretty chilled, all I ask is don't steal from me and don't run around like a total loon....
As for the uninvited guests, that's totally cool, If they aren't on my Besties list there isn't much they can do about it, I mean I have quite a few friends on my 3ds, its pretty impossible to remember what every single persons username is, I just know them as so-n-so from my 3ds... lol
I do not like when people come in uninvited. At least a few times, someone random has come into my town, has an unstable internet connection and causes an error. Then either my friends and I lose our progress or I have to re-do whatever trade I was doing.
Until recently, open gates were an invitation for everyone to visit. I trusted everyone and made the mistake of leaving them open when I went out to lunch. When I came back, all my trees were fruitless. Really? Who does that? I dont care if you get a couple of everything, but every one? If you need bells that bad, just ask. I know they'll grow back but I'm still pissed that I have to put landscaping and public works on hold till I can see whats on each tree. I deleted everyone that was online during that time and am a lot less trusting now.