what is everyone looking forward to/not looking forward to post pandemic?

What I'm not looking forward is in person work when it can be done remotely, and handshakes/kisses when you encounter someone šŸ˜¤
There are so much that I look forward to:

1) be able to dine in in restaurants without fear of catching a deadly disease

2) hang out with friends - this go hand in hand with the first bullet point because one of the primarily location for me to hang out with friends is through discovering and eating at restaurants with friends

3) going back to office - yes I know. Some people would roll their eyes at this, but I really miss interact with my work friends and colleagues face to face;

4) travel - prior to covid I have a goal of doing one domestic trip and one international trip everyyear. Well this has not been possible due to covid, and I miss traveling so much Because it really helps me to decompress/relax so thatā€™s definitely something I look forward to doing again

things I wonā€™t miss:

1) crowds everywhere - I donā€™t have social anxiety but seeing large crowds everywhere especially seeing families tagging their kids everywhere they go and the kids screaming and crying really stresses me out

2)commute -kinda related to my point above but I do not miss overcrowded subways at all... also not a fan of commuting to work as itā€™s almost 45mins one way each for me...

3)being pressured to going out. Yes you can tell Iā€™m a introvert XD. To be honest I kinda enjoyed being a homebody during quarantine despite the ups and downs, but once life is normal I know there will be peer pressure/societal judgement to be outgoing again, and Iā€™m just sometimes not into that life you know? Like I love hanging out with the people I like to surround myself with but Iā€™m not about the life of going out and get drunk until 3am every day...
Well, where Iā€™m from things have been close to ā€œnormalā€ for a long time now. Itā€™s like everyone just got bored of a global pandemic. Our governor said the state wonā€™t fully open until at least 3 million people are vaccinated and every comment on local news posts are people saying that they refuse to get it. Yay for the south....
Looking forward to going back in-person on-campus at college in the fall. Being able to travel is also amazing; I've got a few trips planned for the summer and that's incredibly exciting!