What is going on with Harriet?

I love her and Harv hating capitalism so much that they refuse to work and rely on the player to finance their commune...get your bag queens work DOES suck
I've played all of the past games, so I'm not truly understanding the argument people have that she has less to do in this game as opposed to that of past games. I see her more often as I'm more likely to frequent Harv's island than I was to go to her shop specifically once I had my hair done up the way that I wanted it lol. Through the past games, it seemed like most people would complain about the lack of ease in customization when those things were only available through the NPC. Seems like people just want it both ways
i actually don’t really mind her role in this game. sure, her only having 7 hairstyles to teach is a bit underwhelming, but they’re nice hairstyles (at least imo), and her hanging out with harvey is pretty cute! i’ve never cared for harriet much, but it’s nice to have her in new horizons, even if all she does is chill from now on. plus, like @/horan said, i also frequent harv’s island much more than i did harriet’s shop in new leaf, so it’s not like i’m never gonna see her or that she no longer exists. she’s just vibing. :’)