What is the hardest boss fight in video games for you?


"Laughter is the best medicine."
Jun 13, 2020
Blue Famous Mushroom
Starry Mushroom Lamp
Blue Famous Mushroom
Starry Mushroom Lamp
Blue Famous Mushroom
Blue Star Fragment
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Shooting Star
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Blue Star Fragment
I wanted to ask this question because I'm basically interested in your thoughts on bosses that just wants you to retry or just plain rage-inducing for you. (SHMUP and souls games have automatically hard bosses by default.)

Mine has to be inner Agent 3 from Octo Expansion because the wide range of attacks as well as the fact that the stage is small so you don't have much spaces to move.
Hollow Knight has some of the hardest bosses I've ever seen in a game. I was seriously at the limits of my patience with some of these. I eventually managed to beat a majority of them, most dream bosses included. But some like the radiance took me Idk how many hours of tries, and apparently it has a harder version?? And the pantheons are just ridiculous, I decided it was too frustrating to even want to keep going after finishing the first one.
Arceus in Legends: I keep having trouble getting close enough to throw the incense at it while avoid its attacks.

Star Dream OS EX: I keep coming so close to taking it out so I can fight the true final boss but always end up getting hit by the debris the computer throws at Halberd Kirby.

Every Cuphead Boss except the Root Pack: I’m just awful at the game.

Phantom Ganon and Gloom Hands: I keep becoming overwhelmed by these things.
Any Kirby true final boss, but ESPECIALLY Star Dream Soul. I just cannot get past the 2nd phase (the NOVA phase), whereas for Soul of Sectonia and Void (the other True Arena bosses i've beaten), I've beaten them on the first try (although Void was tough)
(I don't mention Chaos Elfilis because he's just a recolor of Fecto)
Any Kirby true final boss, but ESPECIALLY Star Dream Soul. I just cannot get past the 2nd phase (the NOVA phase), whereas for Soul of Sectonia and Void (the other True Arena bosses i've beaten), I've beaten them on the first try (although Void was tough)
(I don't mention Chaos Elfilis because he's just a recolor of Fecto)
I found Sectonia Soul to be extremely easy if you keep using Leaf’s invulnerable Leaf Hide whenever she attacks and pop up as soon as she is finished. I was extremely surprised when I defeated her because I was not expecting the fight to be so easy. Forgotten Land’s true final boss isn’t too bad if you learn to recognize the attacks and their range. I think I defeated that boss using the Morpho Knight Sword. Void I haven’t tried yet because I haven’t unlocked all of the harder difficulties as the default Hard Arena I still struggle with.
I found Sectonia Soul to be extremely easy if you keep using Leaf’s invulnerable Leaf Hide whenever she attacks and pop up as soon as she is finished. I was extremely surprised when I defeated her because I was not expecting the fight to be so easy. Forgotten Land’s true final boss isn’t too bad if you learn to recognize the attacks and their range. I think I defeated that boss using the Morpho Knight Sword. Void I haven’t tried yet because I haven’t unlocked all of the harder difficulties as the default Hard Arena I still struggle with.
Void's really easy once you get his patterns down. I always go with Adeleine as my player character for Void runs, as her guard works similar to Leaf's Leaf Hide and her Friend Ability gives healing, which is always welcome. I think I used either Masked Hammer or Space Ranger for Chaos Elfilis, as I didn't have enough Rare Stones to get Morpho Sword (this was before I 100% completed Forgotten Land) I don't remember what I used for Sectonia, but I think it was Stone. I also use Stone to carry me through most of Robobot's TA, but I ditch it for a damaging Copy Ability like Ice or Archer (I have to use my Duck Hunt amiibo to get Archer should I lose Ice)
Despite being known for its difficulty, the only Cuphead boss I really struggled with was the robot. I haven't played the DLC yet though so maybe some of the new ones I'd struggle with a bit more (also I played before charge shot got nerfed)

Normally I'm bad at enemy encounters rather than bosses themselves, to be honest. I try and rush things / try a quick method or mess up many times in a row - Far cry 3 encampments come to mind.
Also, I'm speaking for the Pokemon community here when I say this, but the Volo fight can go die in a hole and suffer. I HATED that fight. I had to grind my ENTIRE TEAM to late 80s-early 90s (My shiny Ninetales, Pixie, even got to level 100), and I STILL had to attempt the fight multiple times (stupid Giratina fake-out and not letting me heal in-between phases...)
Mike Tyson in the original Punch Out game.

I don't have the reaction speed to ever beat this. He also attacks at random intervals, so there's no memorizing him either.
The Elite Four are always tough to me, in any game…. Maybe I suck at Pokémon, but that’s the truth!

Bowletta/Cackletta in Superstar Saga

The final Ganon in BOTW

That armadillo thing in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. (I beat it, but it was frustrating.)

Back when my dad had Doom for the Ps1 I thought all the “bosses” were tough, then again I was a little kid lol.