What is the Worst remaster or remake of old games for you?

The Game Corner was removed not by choice but by legal regulations on the depiction of gambling in games, so that wasn’t really Game Freak’s decision.
The sprite art was better, though.
I've always thought it was due to the age rating restrictions because of how rated T and rated M games still have mini games that resembles poker or other gambling themed content in the game.

Still, I do remember that the international version of hgss has the game corner replaced with Voltorb flip.
My first thought when I seen this pop up was honestly the Gen 4 remakes almost solely based on the fact that we somehow go from the level of gameplay we've begun to grow accustomed to all the way down to chibi. The art style bugs me to the point where I'd rather just go sit and play through the original than work my way through the remakes =/
Every little reminder of BDSP hurts me so bad 😭 I had absolutely high expectations of the gen 4 remakes considering I enjoyed HGSS and ORAS despite their flaws, and suddenly they flopped SO BAD at the game I’ve been anticipating for OVER TEN YEARS….. I even have a tumblr account where I constantly post during every Pokemon Direct in anticipation of an announcement of gen 4 remakes (even my blog url is @ sinnohremake), and bro when gen 4 remakes dropped…. my heart dropped in disappointment…… it’s NOTHING like previous remakes, it’s literally just a copy paste with restyled art. No new thing, or new gimmick, oh my god it’s so boring. I never bothered getting past the 3rd gym because I didn’t see the point in playing the same damn game with what I think are downgraded graphics. I tried defending the game so bad in hopes it got better but I just couldn’t. I’m so so so disappointed in it and it genuinely hurts me to even acknowledge it. I cope by thinking PLA was the “remake” so I can find peace in myself 😭😭😭
I was going to say BDSP at first, but I think that another game is even worse. Don’t get me wrong, BDSP is still by far the worst Pokémon remake. Especially since they decided to remake the inferior Diamond and Pearl versions rather than Platinum. And compared to every other remake, it falls flat in literally every way. But this other game is worse.

Anyway, the game I was talking about is Sonic Colors Ultimate. Mostly because of how it started. It was released in a practically unplayable state with seizure inducing glitches, and I really haven’t heard anything else about it outside of that. I’m not sure if this is a remake so much as a port, but this is the worst one. However, outside of the Switch version, it’s at the very least playable.
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This is a really unpopular take but in terms of the actually competent ones yeah Reignited is stull up there. They totally missed the tone of the originals. Sometimes they hit a bullseye redesigning levels, sometimes they’re just atrocious by their own merits, it’s seriously hit-or-miss. The remade music/sound effects/voice acting are pretty much completely a miss though. I will always hold the point that the original trilogy had cartoonish elements and Reignited pretty much just feels flanderised down to being a cartoon.

BDSP deserve that hate and I blame TCPi for it more than anything, like always. Two gens per console has been a mistake, it feels like they’re getting the dev companies to pump out even more games on Switch.

In terms of which one is actually the worst though. Lmao the GBA version of Sonic 1.
Yes, this is the real framerate and music of the game (38:26 or 42:40 for an example)
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In terms of which one is actually the worst though. Lmao the GBA version of Sonic 1.
Yes, this is the real framerate and music of the game (38:26 or 42:40 for an example)
Oh, I completely forgot about the GameBoy Advance Sonic 1 remake. That game was actually practically unplayable. Even more so than Sonic Colors Ultimate.
silent hill hd collection lot of techincal hiccups cause konami didnt gave the devs the og source code hence the mess we see now.
Shin Megami Tensei HD is the laziest one I’ve seen. It’s just the original PS2 game in 1080p with no changes to performance or visuals. The original’s awful dungeon design and high encounter rate are exactly the same. The only noteworthy changes are an easy mode and some light voice acting in cutscenes.

Also Skyward Sword HD. It runs much better on Switch than on the Wii and the motion controls are much better, but most of the pacing issues of the original are still there. The fact they charged a full $60 for this when it’s just a glorified port is insane. At least SMT: Nocture HD was only $50.
I've always thought it was due to the age rating restrictions because of how rated T and rated M games still have mini games that resembles poker or other gambling themed content in the game.

Still, I do remember that the international version of hgss has the game corner replaced with Voltorb flip.
Honestly I really don’t like the Voltorb game at all. I’ll play it to try to get some Coins only for the prizes but I have never liked games similar to it. I really hate when you spend over twenty minutes trying to get to the next level and mess up only once after you get it and the game decides to drop you down. I have only reached level three four times and once was immediately dropped to level one just because I flipped over a Voltorb.