What is the meaning of your Island name?

My island name is Ethos Isle, since Spirit was one letter too long I looked at some smaller synonyms and Ethos spoke to me. It sort of makes me remember my aspirations both in game and irl. Since Animal Crossing is how I start my day, it makes up sort of a manifestation ritual.
Dunno. It was my sister's island before mine and I didn't want to reset. I made it work for my plans though and imply it's a local abbreviation for a longer name.

The Great = The Great Bear Capital
Tropicako, I just wanted to make something that looks and sounds unique. The island itself is a Japanese style town with a bunch of rabbits and squirrels living together. lol
Tofu! I just really like tofu and thought it would be a cute island name. No deeper significance, haha
carambola is also known as star fruit. my original island was named guanabana which is another tropical fruit i love. when i restarted i decided to pick a different fruit and the closest in my mind was carambola. it's such a pretty fruit!

Ooh, let me join in.
So I have my island name set to โ€œWestward.โ€ I picked this name because I live in the US and the US is in the West. I like how versatile "Westward" is. I would have named my island after a current interest of mine, but it's always changing and soon I won't like the name.
Mine is called Reverie bc I wanted to make the island feel like an eternal daydream of happiness and comfort
I chose Prandium because my brother and I booted up the game while I was fixing lunch (Prandium is Latin for lunch) lol!
My island is called Cekrai, a mix of sea (because it's an island) and Darkrai (because I like it). I just kept mixing words that I liked together until I made something I liked the sound of!
Your islands are all so nice sounding. I can never come up with names on the spot, so I look around my room for inspiration. I saw my poster for the movie The Thing and named my island Outpost 31. I guess I found it funny to have a cute island with even cuter villagers, named after my favorite horror movie.

In retrospect I would have come up with something more appropriate, but I am committed to the name (and also I found a custom design for a movie poster of The Thing... so I am not the only one out there!)
I personally like simple names, so Pumpkin seemed to fit just fine. I really like it, between that and the name Blossom.
Leaf town, I was in a rush when the game came out and I was too excited to play that I gave my island name the most generic one in existence, I regret it lol, same applies to my ign.
my island is called myn isla because it is mine island

very deep ik
My island was supposed to be named "Mimosa" first like the flower and my cat, or Komorebi but both names were already taken by members here. Then I came with other names, already taken as well, and since I had no other ideas, it ended up as "Babaorum" reference to a dessert and Asterix comic book.