moon doll
instead of killing people, how about we put them in space? build artificial mini planets?
We will probably destroy everything up there too.
instead of killing people, how about we put them in space? build artificial mini planets?
Noo I'm not a troll. Google it. And I'm not a feminist I just don't appreciate misogyny nor do I appreciate men being TOTAL BUTTHOLES
Yeah I'm familiar with "kill all men" as it's been around since 2010 or so. It's a ridiculous and f**ked up ideology that would never work unless you felt like forcing certain women into slavery to perform jobs that need to be done, but that women are already choosing not to do. Some of the most male dominated jobs are things like construction, home repair, plumbing, electricity, coal mining, oil and gas production, car/bus/truck mechanics, aircraft mechanics, accounting/financing, IT, cooking, law enforcement, emergency services such as fire fighting, math related academic careers, and (here's a big one) POLITICS.
On top of there being so many valuable male dominated careers, NOT ALL MEN ARE MISOGYNISTS. In fact, MOST men aren't misogynistic and don't treat women poorly. Yeah, some guys are like that, but you can't just apply an idiotic stereotype like that to MORE THAN HALF THE POPULATION.
How would you feel if I said that all women are so weak, unintelligent and emotionally fragile that they need men to take over and make decisions for them? Sounds stupid, right? That's exactly what you're doing.
instead of killing people, how about we put them in space? build artificial mini planets?
im pretty sure with the technology we have and continue to make, we can make a planet.
its only if those rich elites even have the morality to put their funds into something progressive.
but im pretty sure for them, it would be easier to just "kill people"
Actually, killing people would be much easier, it would just be a lot more gruesome. Think about how big earth is, and how many resources we have on it. Taking even a fourth of the available resources we have to put it towards forming another (much smaller) planet would be incredibly harmful to us, and making a planet habitable requires an atmosphere, nutrient rich soil (so lots of dead things already broken down), plant life to inhabit that soil, and interdependent living organisms that work together like we have on earth to keep the cycle of life and death going.
The only other planets similar to earth that we've discovered are very, very far away and would take years to get to.
woo chill out and men already say that about women so :^P
yeah like thousands of years. if we travelled at the speed of light. lmao.
and no offense but how are you going to choose who will die? like, will they just say "hey we need to get rid of 15% of the earth's population" and then the different countries would have to just kill off 15% of their population. lmao imagine that.
No, I'm not gonna chill out when some idiot suggests committing mass genocide because "men are buttholes". Ever heard of Hitler? Are you okay with what he did? No? Then don't tell me to chill.
Not all men say that kind of crap about women. Again, some of them do, not all, and even if a larger portion of them thought that way, education and advocating equal rights is better than killing over half the population.
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I'm not advocating killing people -__- I was saying that killing people is easier than forming an entire other planet to dump our men on. I think getting rid of any man just because he's a man is messed up, and that people need to stop stereotyping an entire gender, and saying that they need to die because they were born with a penis.
Mass execution of all male of the human species. I probably just offended everyone but oh well cause in the end it doesn't even matter In fact, females can pregnant using the BONE MARROW of another woman and the chances of the child being female are 100% so![]()
manmade disease, like that one game on the iPhone, it's called disease or something. You make different diseases and your goal is to kill everyone. Planet of the Apes?
hm to be completely realistic, i think the government will just limit the number of kids someone can have
and being born w a penis =/= man But Alright Whatever
lol ok
the two aren't compareable but Yeah Okay Sure. and i never said i agreed w killing men lmao i'd die too then, i just said that women already are oppressed by men. also a woman saying she hates men is not the same as a man saying he hates women jsyk :^)
and being born w a penis =/= man But Alright Whatever
I'm pretty sure most of the overpopulation comes from countries where condoms and such are hard to come by, so make getting condoms easier & less costly. Also getting rid of the cultural and financial need for women to have kids in some countries would help too.
China had a one child policy that lead to a decrease in population. If all first-world countries set a two child limit, the population would be far better maintained while not getting too low.
Obviously this will not work in poorer nations where childhood mortality rate is very high. A child limit policy would destroy these countries.
I know that's like a random thought type of thing, but god that would end up so bad.Stop having children for starters. I say go 5 or so years without a single person giving birth.
i have a better tutorial than all of you
1-Hear to Mark Thomas musica.lys
2-take yo bleach brought from walmart *CLOROX ONLY*
3-drink it